In everything give ____.
Thanks. Gratitude is the secret to happiness.
Mark 12-17 Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar's and give to ___ what belongs to ___.
God, God
America is founded on this ideal of small government. You have the right to earn a living and be as free as possible from gov. intervention.
Who did God save in the flood?
God saved Noah not b/c he was a great person but b/c "Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation." Genesis 6:9. We are to judge people in their generation, not ours.
The town where Jesus was born
What is written on the Liberty Bell?
A) nothing
B) a bible verse
C) Party time
bible verse
2 Corinthians 3:17 "The Lord is spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom."
(and where there is no Spirit of the Lord there is no freedom)
What is the first book of the bible (It teaches us about human nature and the rest of the bible tells us how to handle our nature.)
Genesis 1:24 So God created mankind in his own ___.
Human life is sacred
In the 10 commandments it say "Do not ____."
2 acceptable answers: Do not steal and do not murder.
In the Garden of Eden what does the serpent represent?
The serpent represents the devil and the evil within human beings. The voice that says you can be your own God.
The lesson here is your EARS are more trustworthy than your EYES. Eve saw the apple was good. Today you have eye candy and when you act upon it, it will ultimately not satisfy you in the long-term.
The 40 days of fasting before Easter
What is the Holy Trinity? The ___, ___, and ___.
Father, son and holy spirit.
The names of the two parts of the Bible
Old testament and the New testament
What is a Sacrament
A sacred and visible sign instituted by Jesus to give grace
Undeserved gift from God
Instituted by God entrusted to the church by which Divine life is dispensed
A command on how to treat one another, Leviticus 19:18 states, “You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against any of your people, but
you shall love your _______ as yourself: I am the LORD.”
God send Moses to rescue the Israelites from where?
Slavery in Egypt
The day Jesus rose from the dead (the resurrection)?
What is America's Motto? In God __ _____ .
In God we trust.
It is found on every coin
In this part of the Bible we can read about Jesus
New testament
How did both God and the Founding Fathers deal with slavery?
A) outlawed slavery
B) made laws that would eventually outlaw slavery
C) let someone else handle slavery
B) made laws that would eventually outlaw slavery
If God would have outlawed slavery, no one would have took the bible seriously.
4 commandment - Remember to keep the ____ holy.
What did Moses carry down from Mount Sinai?
The day Jesus died on the cross
Good Friday
What country is the only country with God-given rights?
unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
Name the four Gospels
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
What is written about God on American currency (dollars/coins)? __ ___ __ ____.
In God we trust
In the bible, God depicts only 1 difference amongst all human traits. What is it?
Male and Female
(Why is that an important trait?)
Simon Peter did what to Jesus 3 times after Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane?
He denied Jesus. This is a warning for us on betrayal which runs ramped in our culture.
The 28 day period leading up to Christmas.
Every country had slavery, what country outlawed slavery?
You shall Love the LORD your God with all your________________________________.
Deuteronomy 6:5 You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul (mind) and with all your strength.
God commands us to do what does not come naturally.
Genesis 8:21 Man's heart is evil from his ____.
a) sins
b) youth
Our hearts do not naturally choose good and the devil makes it even harder. Knowing we will be accountable to God for our actions makes a better human and a better society.
Our Founding Fathers believed that establishing America was the 2nd Exodus. What was the 1st Exodus?
God leading the Israelites out of Egypt
All men are created equal, endowed by their creator with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness- is found where?
Declaration of Independence
What was signed on July 4, 1776?
A) End of Revolutionary War
B) Declaration of Independence
C) Hot dogs became the official food on Independence day
B) Declaration of Independence
Your inalienable (God given) rights to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness. B/c we are made in the image of God we have God given rights. What God gives, man cannot take away.
Which commandment covers do not lie?
Do Not Bear False Witness. And
Do not steal. (lying robs the other person of the truth)