Life has potential meaning even in the worst conditions.
Frankl's thesis
This should be the starting point for an ethics course according to James Keenan, S.J.
This kind of statement simply reports information.
Descriptive statement
The teaching that God took on human form in the person of Jesus.
The Incarnation
This word is used for the action in a moral decision.
This is the process of stripping people of their individuality and/or rights.
This kind of sin describes the human condition in which human beings are turned away from God.
Original sin
This moral position asserts that there are no unviersalism moral rules or principles.
This is a belief in one God expressed in three persons in a relationship of agape and equality.
This kind of sin is the failure to do something good.
Sin of omission
This is the term for Frankl's method (living proof) of proving his thesis.
Existential validation
These are the four sources of moral wisdom.
Reason, Scripture, Church teaching, and Experience
This kind of statement asserts how people should act, think, behave.
Normative statement
This theological virtue helps us to maintain confidence in God's promises and protects us from despair.
This is the belief that every human person--with or without religious faith--may gain basic moral knowledge through reason.
Natural law
This is the person with whom Frankl would have imaginative conversations while he was imprisoned.
His wife
These are the three levels of conscience.
Awareness, judgment, action
This is one of the two presuppositions for the study of ethics.
A) There are some universal moral rules and principles
B) Human beings have some degree of free will.
This term describes the love of God that is shared outside the Trinity.
This describes the process of decision making between two or more goods.
This is the final human freedom according to Frankl.
To choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances
These are the two main arguments against human freedom.
Determinism and conditioning
This moral position asserts there should be acceptance of diversity in individual choices and cultural practices, but that there are some universal moral principles or rules.
These three attributes are shared by humans beings and God and are the basis of image Dei.
Reason, stewardship, free will
This Hebrew word means "hear" or "listen" and is found in Deuteronomy before the commandment to love God.