What ispe the 3 rsons in one God?
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Unit 1 for 100Close without Saving [ESC]
Question Prompt
Who was told by an angel that Mary's child was conceived through the Holy Spirit?
Who wrote the four Gospels?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
Jesus instituted the Eucharist at
the Last Supper
God fulfilled Jesus's promise to the Apostles by sending..
the Holy Spirit
Double Jeopardy-Name who is in the Trinity?
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Double Jeopardy--What does INRI mean?
"Jesus the Nazereth, King of Jews"
Double Jeopardy--Why were the Gospel's written?
To preserve the teachings of Jesus.
Double Jeopardy--On the road to Emmaus, two disciples recognize the risen Christ in the breaking of the..
Double Jeopardy---What are the levels Holy Orders?
deacons, priests, and bishops
Who announce the coming of Jesus, the Messiah?
John the Baptist
Who was the Roman emperor at the time of the birth of Jesus?
Caesar Augustus
Each Gospel was written...
at different times and four different audiences.
Who denied Jesus three times?
What did Saul do to the Jewish followers of Jesus before he became Paul?
What happened when Jesus came out of the water at his Baptism?
The heavens opened and the Spirit descended on him.
Where did Mary and Joseph find Jesus as a boy when he was lost?
What happened at a wedding feast a Cana?
Jesus changes water to wine
Double Jeopardy---What happened in the Garden of Gethsemane?
Jesus prayed for his Father to take away the suffering to come. His disciples fell asleep 3 times. Jesus was arrested.
Mary was taken into Heaven, body and soul, an event called
The Assumption
Double Jeopardy-Who delivered a message to Mary, telling her that she wold have a Son named Jesus?
the angel Gabriel
What is a Holy Day of Obligation?
A principal feast day in which you are obligated to go to church to receive the Eucharist.
What is the prayer when we confess out sins?
Act of Contrition
What sacrament does the Bishop say "Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit"
Triple Jeopardy--What is the unique change of the bread and wine in the Eucharist into the Body and Blood of the Risen Jesus Christ called