The Gospel is considered as...
The Good News of what Jesus did
Who was the philosopher that defines happiness as a condition of the good person who succeeds in living and acting well?
Nirvana was a...
A great revelation of great wisdom experienced by Siddharta Gautama
The 5 characteristics that make up an ideal man is...
He has a clear self image, he is in the presence of God, loves to work, gives you his word, and he makes you the best you can be.
The definition of ethics is...
Having to do with good character and doing what is right.
What is a covenant?
It is where humans make an agreement between them and God.
Who was the philosopher that talked about how our "moral duty" helps us with understanding our ethics?
What did Siddharta experience with his mother?
His birth was miraculous that he entered his mothers body as a white elephant which is the symbol of purity
Some characteristics that consider a Catholic marriage valid is...
Both spouses are free to marry, they are capable to give consent to marry, both freely exchange their consent, they are both intended to marry for life, to be faithful, and to be open to children, each respects the other, their consent is given in the presence of two witnesses.
Morality means...
Things to do with customs, habits, and manners that shape human life.
The person that experienced the Burning Bush on top of Mount Sinai was...
Kant's ethic definition of freedom is...
To achieve the supreme "good," we must do something. If we are able to do it, that is our duty as humans who are free by nature.
It is considered neither. Buddhists do not worship a God or deity.
A condition of consent to marriage is...
Rationality, maturity, knowledge, honesty, understanding, faithfulness, physical capacity.
What is ethics more interested in?
Ethics is more interested in the good that humans strive for.
What is the main goal for all Christians?
To have their souls united with Christ and God in heaven
The Mean to Aristotle is...
Moderation in all that we, as individuals do, is central to ethics. He called for a need to avoid the excess and to find a middle that suits the individual.
Buddhists view heaven and hell as...
They view heaven and hell as real as the human realm we currently live in.
The stages of a married life are...
Morality is more interested in...
The ways that humans can achieve that good.
Beatitudes are...
They are blessed sayings by Jesus for particular groups of people.
Levinas' ethic of the face was...
Each thing or person is a unique expression of the god and it is the face of another that calls an individual to respond.
An endless cycle of uncontrolled rebirths is called...
The basic purposes of marriage are...
The good of the couple and the procreation and education of children.
Humans have the capacity to act. This capacity gives us freedom that cannot be found within animals. What is this called?
An Agent.