New Age Religions
Non-Religious World Views
Australia Post 1945

This Rock Band visited the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in India and Western people became more aware of Eastern mysticism and other religious traditions.

Who are the Beatles?


Someone who believes that God does not exist

What is an atheist? 


One of three reasons why ecumenism has developed

1. Biblical (Bible encourages unity)
2. Pragmatic (Striving together towards a common goal)
3. Attractiveness (disunity looks bad)


Percentage (to the nearest 5) of people who indicated that they were Christians in the 2021 Census

What is 45% (43.9%)?


The acknowledgement by various groups in Australia of the great injustices done to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the dispossession that occurred in the past.

What is reconciliation? 


A social theory favouring freedom of action for self over collective or state control.

What is individualism? 

Someone who believes that God may exist but is unsure or does not think God impacts their life.

What is an agnostic?


In 2007, this religious leader visited Australia to host an interfaith dialogue symposium. 

Who is the Dalai Lama?


The Year that Catholicism replaced Anglicanism as the largest denomination

What is 1981?


Name one aim of Reconciliation Australia 

What is...
1. encourage and form stronger relationships for all Australians
2. to be a country that guarantees and equal life chance for all,
3. to be a country that recognises the contribution, place and culture of first Australians
4. To remove the gap in life expectancy


Name one influence on the growth of New Spiritualities

What is...

  1. The rise of materialism 
  2. Scientific Progress
  3. Growth of ecological awareness
  4. Disenchantment with traditional religious practice and guidance

Someone who seeks to highlight the importance of rational human thought over belief in a higher power

What is a rational humanist?


One negative of Inter-Faith dialogue 

  • This can result in a watering down
  • It can be counter-productive to  the pursuit of deep knowledge
  • Dialogue has limitations that mean some faith groups opt-out 

Name a reason that a religion or denomination might grow

What is...
1. Immigration
2. Denominational Switching
3. The Rise of New Age Religions
4. Secularism 


Name an example of Contextualisation of Christian Beliefs

  • Incoporating symbols and rituals
  • Aboriginal art, movement, music and drama in worship
  • Coconut milk and yam communion
  • Christian stories retold using Dreaming images
  • Prayers may be said in Aboriginal languages

Someone who seems naturally gifted and able to solve problems immediately, without the machinery of large institutions.

What is a Charismatic Leader?


The percentage (to the nearest 5) of people who identified with no religion on the 2016 Census. 

What is 40% (38.9%)?


The three denominations that combined to create the Uniting Church 

What are Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational? 


Name a tool (other than the Census) which is used to gain research into Australia's beliefs

What is...
1. NCLS (National Church Life Survey)
2. CRA (Christian Research Association)
3. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Religion


The two key factors of reconciliation 

What is...
1. Acknowledging mistakes and injustices
2. taking steps to correct the mistakes and injustices


The belief that all religions are the same path to God/reincarnation

What is universalism?


An outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters.

What is humanism? 


Organisation began in 1948 to develop dialogue and cooperation between diverse Christian groups

What is the World Council of Churches? 


A worldview or political principle that separates religion from other realms of human existence

What is secularism?


Teaching Biblical truths using Dreaming stories which are often sung or danced in traditional Aboriginal ceremonies.

What is Storytelling Theology? 
