teaching authority of the church
What is one difference you would see in a Byzantine church?
people bowing from the waist, Sign of the Cross with the thumb and first two fingers
Who is the leader of a diocese?
the bishop
Proclaiming the Good News
when bishops and the pope work together to learn how to lead the church
What year did the church split?
Why do we pray and follow the guidance of the bishops?
Because we love Christ and our Catholic faith
a way of living having to do partly with religion
I what parable do we see the scope of God's love
The Great Feast
What does the word apostle mean
new evangelization
a new type of evangelization calling to help those who have heard the good news but are indifferent to it.
without error
What are the Eastern Churches of the whole world a sign of?
Our Catholic Nature
through the Churches teachings, life, and worship
interreligious dialogue
when we strive to increase understanding between different religions
baptized members of the church who are not clergy
What are the names of the six major Eastern Catholic Churches?
Chaldean, Syrian, Maronite, Coptic, Armenian, and Byzantine
What does it mean to be a believing member of the Church?
To put your faith in Jesus