Who was born on Christmas?
Jesus Christ was born on Christmas
How long is Easter?
Easter is 50 days long.
How long is Triduum?
TriduĆ¼m is 3 days long.
What does Lent mean?
Lent means Spring.
Who were the readers?
Anton and Viviana
What are the colors of Christmas?
White and gold.
Who came upon the apostles during Easter?
The Holy Spirit came upon the apostles during Easter.
What is the first day of Triduum and what happened?
Holy Thursday was the first day of Triduum and it was the last supper.
When does Lent begin?
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.
Who were the alter servers?
Anastasia Brown, Meghan, and Grace
What do we celebrate during the Christmas season?
We celebrate Jesus' birthday during the Christmas season.
Easter is the ( Answer) celebration of the church?
It is the greatest celebration of the church.
What was the second day of Triduum and what happened on that day?
The second day of Triduum was Good Friday and Jesus dies.
How long is Lent?
Lent is 6 weeks/40 days long (not including the Sundays).
4 people.
How long does Christmas Last?
Christmas last about 12 days.
When does Easter end?
Ends on Pentecost.
What was the third day of Triduum and what happened on that day?
The third day of triduum was Holy Saturday and Jesus was taken to the tomb.
What do you not eat on Sundays?
You do not meat eat on Sundays
The priest was grateful for the school what?
The priest was grateful for the school going to mass together.
What do the white and gold represent during the Christmas season?
The white and gold represents celebration during the Christmas season.
What is Pentecost?
Pentecost is a Jewish feast that has been celebrated since the Old Testament, being called the Feast of Harvest or the Feast of Weeks in Jewish tradition.
What does the color red represent?
Jesus' blood and the Holy Spirit.
Lent is the most (Answer) of the church.
Lent is the most solemn of the church
Christmas ends on January 12.