What does white and goal represent ?
True or False : Easter is not the greatest celebration of the church?
How long does Triduum last for?
three days
What does Lent stand for?
What was the priest wearing
A white vestment
Which angel visits Mary?
How long does Easter last for?
50 days
When does Triduum start?
6 weeks
Who did Elizabeth give birth too?
John the Baptist
How long does the Christmas season last for?
12 days
What are the colors of Easter?
Gold and White
True or False : We do not eat meat on Fridays
What is Christmas about?
When does Easter end?
It ends on Pentecost
What does the color red represent during Triduum?
Blood, it represents the holy spirit/
What are some of the things we do during Lent?
Give up something and go to penance
Who was the priest serving?
Why did Herod hate Jesus?
Herod hated Jesus because he knew that Jesus was going to become King of the Jews ( Herod was already the King ).
What does Easter represent?
The fulfillment of the old testament
What are the three days that Triduum last for?
Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.
When does Lent begin?
On Ash Wednesday
What time did the mass finish?
Around 9:20 - 9:30