How many parts of Ordinary Time are there?
Why is it called Christmas?
Because Christ was born that day.
How many days of Triduum are there?
When does Lent start?
It starts on Ash Wednesday
How are the ashes made to use with on Ash Wednesday?
By burning last year's Palm Sunday celebration/
Why is Ordinary Time green?
Because it represents hope, or life
Why are the colors of Christmas white and gold?
Because the colors white and gold mean celebrate
What color represents Triduum?
How many days of Lent are there?
What is the most known christian symbol?
The cross
Why is Ordinary Time important?
Because it celebrates Jesus' teaching and ministries
Why is the wreath in a circle, green, spikey, and have red berries?
Everlasting life, eternity of God, the crown of thorns that was put on Jesus, and the red berries are to symbolize the blood of Jesus.
What are the three days called?
Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday
What can we not eat on Fridays during Lent?
Meat, but fish is still able to be eaten because it a meat eaten by the poor.
What is Greed and it's virtue?
Its an excess love or selfishness feeling for something like money, food, jewelry or substances. It's virtue is Charity
Which part of Ordinary Time is longer?
The second part
What gifts did the three wise men bring?
Gold, Frankincense, and myrrh
What is Triduum?
The three days before Jesus Resurrected.
What do we do during Lent?
We remember when Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert for us
What was Jesus' second miracle?
Jesus Heals an Official's Son at Capernaum in Galilee
Did Jesus get baptized in Ordinary Time?
What did the three gifts from the three wise men mean?
What happened on all three days?
Holy Thursday:Last supper
Good Friday:He died
Holy Saturday:He was placed in a tomb
What are the three requirements for Lent?
Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving
When did the Old Testament start and end?
Between 1200 and 165 BC