What color does Lent symbolize
This starts what season
Who was Confirmation given to us by
the 5th and 6th gifts of the holy spirit are KIND of similar, what are they
KINDness, and goodness
What is a virtue?
a good habit that helps us act according to God
How many days Is Lent before Easter
What gospel correlates to the starting of Lent otherwise known as Ash Wednesday
Jesus fasting in the desert for 40 days
The holy spirit came down on Jesus, but what did it give him?
Fruits of the _______
Holy Spirit
What does Apostle mean?
list the three main things we do during this time
pray fast and give almsgiving
What do the ashes symbolize
grief and penance Extra 100 if you name that they also symbolize the dust from which God made us
Name given to person receiving Confirmation? Not candidate
Name the second gift of the Holy spirit
Name the four cardinal virtues
temperance, prudence, justice, and fortitude
Answer there(double Jeopardy) 40 or 46 days?
What are the ashes made of
blessed palm branches
What does the bishop say as he places the holy oil on your forehead in confirmation
"Be sealed with the gift of the holy spirit"
11th fruit Hint: Mrs. Nixon would love for us all to have this quality
self control
Who did Andrew introduce Peter to when we learned about the 12 apostles?
Not hard.. Messiah/ Jesus
When does Lent start and end? I hope you listened to Father Walter:)
Ash Wednesday starts, and Holy Thursday ends
Name exact phrase priest gives when he puts ashes on your forehead. (Usually)
"Remember that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return."
What is the 2nd step in confirmation
laying on of hands
acronym for gifts of the holy spirit
We Understand Confirmation Finally Keep Pushing Forward
Name the 12 apostles
James, James, Andrew, John, Thomas, Judas, Matthew, Thaddeus, Philip, Simon/Peter, Batholomew, and another Simon