This Mark relates to Unity of the Church
What is One
the head of the body, the Church.
Who is Jesus Christ
The Church is united in one whole Under _______?
What is Christ
We are called to holiness through these.
What is the Sacraments
The Church originated with 12 of theses.
What are Apostles
This Mark relates to the Sacraments
What is Holy
The visible head of the Church
What is The Pope - Christs Earthly Vicar
Divine authority comes for Him
Who is Christ
The first pope
Who is St Peter
The deposit of Faith given to the Church by Christ
What is Doctrine
This Mark Relates to these original 12
What is Apostolic
The members of the Church.
Who is the Pope, Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and Lay People.
Men and women opened up to God's graces
What are Saints
The Pope is the supreme________?
What is Shepherd
Jesus gave the Apostles this power at the last supper.
What is celebrate the Holy Eucharist
This mark is universal
What is Catholic
This joins us together as one Church.
WHo is the Holy Spirit
How was Saul persecuting Christ by persecuting the church? Briefly describe Saul’s actions.
What is tracking down and imprisoning early Christians
These ten help with Unity.
What is Commandments
Jesus gave the Apostle this power at the Resurrection?
What is the power to forgive sins
This Creed proclaims the fundamental beliefs of the Catholic Christian
What is the Nicene Creed
The source of all Holiness
Who is Jesus
“The Church helps us to ____________, ________________, and ________________ God in this life so we may be united with him forever in the next. “
What is to Know, Love, and Serve
This mark possess the fullness of Christ’s truth and revelation
What is Catholic
Jesus gave the Apostles this power at the Ascension?
What is the power to Baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit