What part of mass helps us get ready for Gods word
Introductory rites
When do we listen to Gods words in the Bible
Liturgy of the word
When does the bread and wine turn into the body and blood of Jesus Christ
During the Liturgy of the eucharists
What part of mass do we get sent out to be the body of Christ to Others
Dismissal rites
Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy
When does the priest enter the church
Introductory rites
what testament do we read during the first reading
Old testament
What is the most important prayer of the Church
Eucharistic prayer
What is the last part of mass
Concluding rites
Christ have mercy
Christ have mercy
What is the final part of introductory rites
When do we read the new testament
2nd reading
When we prepare to see Jesus in our body
Communion rite
When does the priest bless us
Concluding rites
A reading of the book of the Gospel according to.........
Glory to you O lord
When do we ask to be forgiving of our sins
During the penitential act
What do we do after each readings
The priest brings the gifts and prepares them
Pray over offerings
This is sung at the end of mass
Recessional song
Lift up you hearts
We lift them up to the lord
What are the five parts of Introductory rites
penitential act
collect/ opening prayer
what are the eight parts of liturgy of the word
First reading Homily
responsorial song profession of faith
Second reading prayer of faithful
Gospel acclamation
The Gospel
What are the three parts of Liturgy of the Eucharists
Preparation of the Gifts
The eucharist prayer
Communion rites
What are the three parts of the concluding rites
Final blessing
Closing song
Pray, Sisters and brothers, That my sacrifices and yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father.
May the Lord accept his sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good, and the good of all his holy church