Encyclical definition.
What is a formal letter about doctrinal or moral teachings or another aspect of the life of the Church written by the Pope or under the authority of the Pope?
The first two Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
What is charity and joy?
To be in harmony with Christ.
What is the purpose of the Sign of Peace?
The three most effective ways of keeping peace.
What is telling the truth, letting go of past wrongs, and moving forward in the way of peace building.
Absence of war.
What is the definition of peace?
The third and fourth Fruits of the Holy Spirit
What are peace and patience?
Seven gestures of the sign of peace.
What is shaking hands, peace sign, saying "peace be with you", hug, kiss, wave, and cross of peace.
Brings God's peace and brings reconciliation for us all.
Who is Jesus - the prince of peace?
The Hebrew word for peace, the sum of all blessings, material and spiritual, and a state of harmony with God, self, and nature that brings a person perfect happiness.
What is the definition of shalom?
The fifth and sixth Fruits of the Holy Spirit
What is kindness and goodness?
Sign of reconciliation and asking forgiveness for our grievances.
What is the reason for the sign of peace before the Eucharist?
The name Jesus means ______.
"God saves".
The meaning of peace as a Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
What is serenity or peace of mind.
The seventh, eighth, and ninth Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
What is generosity, gentleness, and faithfulness?
The original gesture of peace.
What is a kiss?
Used to sum up the saving work of Jesus.
What is peace?
Document by St. Hippolytus that described how people were Confirmed with holy oil and kiss of peace.
What is Apostolic tradition?
The tenth, eleventh, and twelfth Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
What is modesty, self-control, and chasity?
Ancient liturgical tradition where Christians share a gesture and prayer that blesses them with Christ's peace.
What is the definition of the sign of peace?
Called on all nations and citizens to establish a society based on justice, rights, and responsibilities.
Who is Pope John XXIII?