What do we call actions that take care of the needs of others?
Works of Mercy
Saint Martin de Porres helped the sick and poor in ________
Jesus wants us to feed the ____________.
The Gospel reading is from the ______ Testament.
What type of sin weakens, but doesn't break our love for God and others?
Venial Sin
At the end of time
Saint Frances Cabrini built schools, orphanages, and ___________.
Jesus wants us to give shelter to people who are ____________.
What is the part of Mass when we listen to Bible readings?
Liturgy of the Word
What type of sin completely separates us from God's grace?
Mortal Sin
Whom will Jesus welcome to be with him forever?
Loving People
Jesus taught people by his __________ and _________.
words; actions
We are to give _________ to those that are poor/naked.
When we really listen to God's Word, our _____ grows.
What is the prayer or act that the priest gives you during Confession that help you make up for the harm caused by sin?
Whom will Jesus judge when he returns?
All people
Jesus wants us to treat others with __________.
We are to take __________ of the sick.
The _________________ is a prayer that tells what we believe as Catholics.
Nicene Creed
Our ______________ helps us to know right from wrong (the little voice inside our heads).
Why did Jesus do good things for others during his life on Earth?
By loving our neighbor, we show our love for _______.
We are to visit people in _____________.
People who listen to God's Word are like seeds that fall on _________.
Good soil
The Ten Commandments are God's _______.