This means pure. When we are pure in heart, we do what we know is right and good. We show our love for others appropriately in the ways God wants us to show our love.
Goodness, Chastity, Honor, Peace
Pages 204-205
The family live the Gospel, and they have the calling to be signs of God's love to one another and to other people.
This is a name given to the Eucharist. The Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Jesus under the appearances of Bread and Wine.
The Blessed Sacrament
How do others welcome you to their home?
What are signs of God's love?
People helping one another, people being KIND. Other examples are miracles and signs of loved ones who are in Heaven; birds, butterflies, sunlight.
The special lighted candle is kept near the ______
This is a sign of God's presence and power at work in your world
Matrimony, Miracle, Manifest, Magical
This is a gift of the Holy Spirit, it is about treating others with kindness. We think of others needs and do good because of this.
What are ways that you can "Glorify the Lord?" Page 193
Share games, cheer someone up.
This is the Sacrament in which a baptized man and a baptized woman make lifelong promises to serve the church as a married couple.
The _______ is the Sacrament in which the Church gives thanks to god and shares in the Body and Blood of Christ.
Another name for the Eucharist is Lord's ______
Day, Supper, Dinner
This is a sign of the promise that a married couple made to love each other forever, and is also a reminder of their love for God.
A Wedding Ring
What are two ways you can give thanks to God?
Praying, writing about what you're grateful for. Thinking about what you're grateful for.