
what happened in each stage of exile?

In the first phase of exile, the talented, gifted, and rich were taken into Babylon. In phase 2, the priests lead the Jewish people astray. God tells them he will give them a new shepherd. In Phase 3, Solomon's temple is destroyed.


what word can be used to describe the return time period?



who was the leader of the seleucids and how did he treat the jews?

Antiochus Epiphanes was the leader of the Seleucids. He treated the Jews badly, as he forced them to eat pork and persecuted orthodox families.


give a definition for kindness, patience, self control, generosity, gentleness, and faithfulness. 

self control- resisting the temptation for things

kindness- being helpful and respectful toward others

generosity-giving without expectation of return

Patience- the exercise of patience under adversity

gentleness- attitude of tenderness and love toward all humanity

faithfulness- being loyal and steadfast to our beliefs


who was first taken into babylon?

The rich, talented, and gifted were first taken into Babylon. 


what happens in each phase of the return time period

in phase 1, solomon's temple is rebuilt. In phase 2, the word of God is being taught by Ezra. In phase 3, the Jerusalem walls are rebuilt.


why did the maccabean revolt happen? What was the final act that caused the revolt?

The revolt happened because antiochus epiphanes was banning jewish rules. The final act was when he desecrated the temple.


what are the five different types of psalms and what does each one mean?

Thanksgiving- Thanking the Lord

Wisdom- Instructions on how to live

Royalty- Celebrating the Israelite kings' life

Lament- The different exiles of the Israelites

Praise- Praising God


tell the story of esther, what was the problem and how did she solve it?

Haman wanted to kill all the jews. Esther was secrtly jewish and was married to the king. She told the king that she was jewish and convinced him to not execute the jews. The king made a decree that the jews could fight back.


tell the story of the rededication of the temple. What holiday does this come from?

The jews made a dedication to God and lit a lot of candles for 8 days. They didn't have enough oil, but miraculously, the candles still burned all 8 days. It is a holiday now known as Hanukkah.


give examples/words used in the diff types of psalms.

thanksgiving- psalm 100+101- "shout joyfully to the Lord", and "I sing of mercy and justice to you, Lord."

royalty-psalm 20- "For the leader. A psalm of David." 

lament- "Lord, hear my cry!" and "May your ears be attentinve to my cry for mercy."

wisdom- psalm 14- "To see if one looks wise."

praise- "O Lord, how awesome is your name through all the earth!"


Tell the story of judith, what was the problem and how did she solve it?

The israelites had run out of water and were about to surrender to the Assyrians. Judith went with her maid to where the Assyrians were camping. Judith cut off Holferne's head and brought it back to the israelites.


Tell one fact from each of the 11 marian titles/apparitions we learned about in class. 

Our Lady of sorrows has 7 sorrows. Her symbol is a heart pierced with 7 swords. The coronation of Mary is when Mary was taken to heaven and was placed on the throne eternally. Our Lady undoer of Knots helped a couple on the brink of a divorce. Our Lady of Fatima made a miracle of the dancing sun. Our Lady of Akita was a statue that cried 101 times. Our Lady of LaSalette appeared to 2 young shepherds crying. The Brown Scapular is a 2 sided necklace that saves you from eternal fire if you wear it. Our Lady of Guadalupe made a miracle of flowers in the winter. Our Lady Star of the Sea's name is a mistranslation. The assumption is when Mary was assumed into heaven to unite with Jesus. OUr Lady of Lourde's feast day is February 11.


what is the order of conquest for the jews? (eat a big purple grape reginald)

Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greecians, Romans