Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
Vocabulary 3
Vocabulary 4
Vocabulary 5

Why do celebrate Advent? 

Advent is that time of year when we pray with the visions of the prophets because God's plan of salvation was fulfilled in Jesus Christ and renew our hope in the future when we look forward to Christ's Second Coming in glory.


What is the mission of Pentecost? 

Pentecost calls us to be Christ’s witnesses in the world, in everything we do. The Holy Spirit has made us his messengers so that we proclaim the truth of the Good News


Who is the Messiah?

The Messiah is Jesus, who was anointed to bring Salvation to the people of God. Jesus, whose name means “God Saves” us, is the Messiah because he accomplished the Divine mission .


 What are the liturgical seasons? 

Seasons in the calendar year that celebrate special people and events in our Church. The liturgical seasons are Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent, the Triduum, and Easter.


Why do we celebrate Lent?

Lent is a season in which we renew our faith. Just as Jesus went out into the desert and fasted for forty days to prepare for his mission, so we renew our call to faith each year, during the forty days of Lent.


What are the 10 Commandments?

The Ten Commandments are laws of God’s covenant that provide for loving others and living in God’s truth.


What is the Incarnation?

The Incarnation is the event of the divine son of God taking on human nature in Jesus Christ. The incarnation is at the center of God’s plan of creation and salvation of humanity.


What is the deposit of faith? 

The deposit of faith is the heritage of faith contained in sacred scripture and sacred tradition passed on in the Church from the time of the apostles.  


What are the Sacraments of Healing? 

The Sacraments of Healing are Penance and Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick. These sacraments reconcile us with God and give us strength and peace.


What is a source? 

A source is something from which our prayers can be obtained or found; the three sources of prayer are God’s word, the Church’s liturgy, & the virtues of faith, hope, & charity. 


What is justice?

Justice enables us to give God and neighbor their due. Justice inspires us to stand up for human rights around the world.


What is the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God is God's reign of justice, peace, and mercy. It helps us focus on the here and now-building God's Kingdom today and directs us toward the hope of the Kingdom to come at the end of time.


What is Hell?

Hell is the state of eternal separation from God. When we die we will enter heaven, hell, or purgatory.


What is sanctifying grace?

Sanctifying grace is God’s life in us that we receive at Baptism. It heals us and makes us holy.


What is a psalm?

A psalm is a poetic prayer that is designed to be sung or chanted. King David is thought to have written many psalms.


 What is justification?

Justification is the work of God, transforming us to sinfulness to holiness It is granted to us through baptism.


. What is Divine Revelation?  

Divine Revelation is the way that God reveals himself to us. Through the prophets, God prepared his people for the fullness of Divine Revelation.  


What is Ascension?  

Ascension is the event of Jesus returning to the father in heaven. (God)

What is the New Covenant? 

The New Covenant is a covenant God made 


What are the Ten Commandments? 

The Ten Commandments are laws of God’s covenant that provide for loving others and living in God’s truth.


 What is Ordinary Time? 

Ordinary Time is the longest season in the liturgical year. It is a rich celebration of the events of Jesus’s life, his public ministry, and the core of his teachings.


What are the sacraments of Christian Initiation? 

The sacraments of Christian Initiation are Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. These sacraments make us members of the church.  


 What is the common good? 

The common good concerns the life of all people, either as groups or individuals, living with dignity and being afforded social and economic opportunities. It is in our families that we first begin to understand that our own good is directly related to the common good.


What is free will?

Free Will is the freedom to decide when and how to act. Free Will is the gift that, informed by our faith, allows us to freely respond to God’s grace and choose the path of beatitude— life with God forever.


What is the Last Judgement?

The Last Judgment is the coming of Jesus Christ at the end of time to judge all people. 
