What is "Incarnation"?
God taking on flesh/becoming a man
This symbol in Greek letters spells the first letters of "Christ"
The meaning of the name "Jesus" in Hebrew
God saves
The Bible verse in which Jesus says he is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life"
John 14:6
This saint was conceived without Original Sin
Define the "Passion"
Christ's suffering for us
This text evidence helps make the Gospels more reliable than other ancient texts
there are more copies/ small differences
According to YouCat #73, "Christos" means this:
Anointed One
Which Church council approved the final list of Scripture:
Council of Hippo 393
This saint died on an "X" shaped cross
St. Andrew
Define "parousia"
Christ's second coming at the Last Judgement
Jesus shows us how to live in a _________ relationship with God
According to paragraph #464 of the CCC, Jesus is ____ _____ and ______ _______?
true God, true man
Which heretic removed 7 books from the Bible?
Matin Luther
This saint translated the Greek and Hebrew Scriptures into Latin
St. Jerome
The word "canon" means this:
measuring rod, rule, norm. The collection of Scripture
Jesus became a man to show us the Father's ______
According to YouCat #110, why was everything made?
For the sake of Jesus
What is the name of the Latin translation of the Bible
The Vulgate
This saint wrote a decree which determined the full 73 books of the Bible
St. Pope Damasus I
Define "magisterium"
"teacher"; the mandate of the Catholic Church to present, interpret, and protect the faith
Through Jesus, we can become this:
adopted sons and daughters of God
According to the YouCat, what are creeds?
brief formulas of the faith that make it possible for all believers to make a common profession
According to 1 Timothy 3: 15, the Church is this
the pillar and bulwark of truth
According to pious legend, this saint is responsible for the use of Christmas tress
St. Boniface