What is Baptism?
This sacrament is the first step in becoming a member of the Catholic Church, symbolizing purification and rebirth.
When did Jesus start his public ministry?
After his Baptism in the Jordan River.
How many types of Martyrs are there?
Two (Red and White)
What is Pentecost?
This event, which occurred 50 days after the Resurrection, marks the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, empowering them to spread the Gospel.
What is the Council of Trent?
This Council, held between 1545-1563, affirmed the seven sacraments and clarified Catholic teachings on their nature and efficacy.
What is Confirmation?
This sacrament strengthens a baptized person and is conferred by the laying on of hands and anointing with sacred chrism.
Who was the Pope.
St. Peter
What is red martyrdom?
Someone who dies in the name of the lord through means of violence.
Who is Nero?
This emperor is known for his persecution of Christians, particularly after the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD.
What did the Church say about the sacraments?
It standardized the seven sacraments and affirmed that those are the ideals that help us get closer with God.
What is the Eucharist?
This sacrament is the central act of Christian worship, where the bread and wine are consecrated to become the Body and Blood of Christ.
Who is Saul
St. Paul who was originally named Saul was a man who persecuted Christians and had an encounter with Jesus and switched to spreading the word.
What is white martyrdom?
Giving up numerous facets of your life to devote it to the faith and worshiping God.
Who are the 5 good emporers.
These five emperors are remembered for their rule over the Roman Empire during a period of relative peace and stability.
What is proper disposition?
The Council of Trent emphasized the importance of this aspect of sacramental preparation, ensuring that the faithful understood the significance of each sacrament.
Who is the minister of Baptism?
The Priest or Deacon (If none are available then anyone can minister this in desperate times)
Who baptized Jesus?
John the Baptist.
Who was the first Martyr?
St. Stephen.
Who is St. Ignatius of Antioch?
This saint was a bishop of Antioch and is remembered for his letters to early Christian communities, emphasizing unity and orthodoxy.
The Council of Trent confirmed that this sacrament is necessary for salvation, emphasizing its role in the believer's journey toward God.
What is the form of Confirmation?
The Bishop says "Be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit"
Who wrote Acts of the Apostles?
Luke the Evangelist
Who was the first Apostle to be Martyred.
St. James the Great.
Who is Saint Polycarp?
This saint from Smyrna is remembered for his martyrdom and refusal to recant his faith during the persecution of Christians by Roman authorities.
How did the Council of Trent change mass?
It standardized mass forcing preachers to face the people, standardized the language, and confirmed the fact the Eucharist is the body and blood.