What is the mission of the Church?
Inviting all people to salvation. To grow the Church to all people.
How is the Church apostolic?
It is rooted in the teachings of the apostles and it continues their mission.
What happened in the Church in 1054?
The eastern and western churches split.
What is the magisterium?
Teaching authority of the church
What is the Greek word for good news?
Define the term Pope as it comes from in Greek.
Pope in Greek is papa.
What is new evangelization?
We spread the good news to people who have heard it but are indifferent.
What does the term Cathedral come from in Latin.
Comes from chair which is a sign of leadership.
What is the parable of the great feast?
Everyone is invited but not everyone says yes. We see the scope of gods love.
Define infallibility.
When the Pope proclaims a teaching assured the teaching is without error