During the Anointing of the Sick, the priest lays his hands on the person in silence.
Sickness and suffering are not good, but God can bring _________out of evil.
Jesus gave us the Sacrament of Reconciliation on__________.
Easter Sunday night
What event does Lent lead up to?
During the Anointing of the Sick, the priest only anoints the person's forehead.
False, forehead and palms
Holy Communion given to someone who is dying is called ______________.
As we are absolved, we make ____________.
The sign of the cross
When is the first day of Lent?
Ash Wednesday
This Sacrament can only be received one time.
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick takes away __________.
What is it called when we tell our sins to a priest?
How many days does Lent last?
This Sacrament can heal the body, but it is meant to give us the strength and courage to accept our sickness.
All Christians are to help those who are suffering. When we help those who are sick and suffering, we are doing the healing work of ________.
What prayer do we say that tells God we are sorry for offending him by our sins?
Act of Contrition
What color is associated with Lent?
This Sacrament is only received by the elderly.
This sacrament is celebrated whenever someone is seriously ______ or facing major ________.
ill, surgery
The priest tells us to pray a prayer or do something good as a sign that we want to make up for our sins. What is this called?
What is the significance of the number 40 in Lent?
It symbolizes Jesus' 40 days in the desert