Name the church that you are from.
The Latin Church
If sin happens, what could we do to stop it?
Correcting the mistake by calling them out, helping the other person by telling them it's wrong, and if you yourself do it, confess.
Name one way the church can influence better decisions.
Keyword: Influence
Teaching morality, showing how to be good, use the Bible to help guide decisions, etc...
Does God force us into going to Heaven?
No, because of free will. He will not force people to go to Heaven with him, as your choices determine where you end up.
Name a situation where you willingly did something good or bad. Would you say it was your fault?
No single correct response, ask the judge.
Describe what original sin is.
Original sin is the first sin committed by Adam and Eve in Eden, making us impure.
What's the importance of stopping sin?
You could prevent someone from making a mistake they could possibly regret or something that could be horrible.
How does us being able to make our own choices give us hope?
It means that if we do whether good or bad, we take responsibility for it. We are being genuine, not just for our own gain.
Debate with the judge. Why do people do bad things?
Imagine you see someone on the street, starving. How would you react?
Depends on the person, this question requires an argument to defend their position. Why would they do what they said?
Define free will.
Free will is having the choice to make your own decisions independantly.
Assume people around you don't like the church because of something personal. Why should you still follow the church even after hardship?
It's most likely that it's not the church that is wrong, rather a person who was in the church did something wrong to whoever doesn't like the church.
There's comfort in being able to fix your sins. How do you fix your sins in Catholicism?
First, when you get your baptism, your sins are washed away like water. Second, during confession, where the priest (symbolizing Jesus) forgives your sins.
God is all-powerful, merciful, all-loving, and more. Why can't he simply turn everyone good?
It defeats the purpose of free will. There would be no point in giving us a choice.
Use an example where you prevented sin committed by someone else. How did you feel?
This one depends on how the person answers. No single answer.
Define a broken creation
A creation that was once perfect, broken because of something that went wrong
In the situation someone suffers from the mistake of another, what could you do?
Help them out by comforting them, aiding them with being there for them, etc...
Because we live in a broken creation, how could we make up for our wrongdoings?
Because of the Catholic Church, established to do just that.
Does God will for disasterous things to happen?
No he does not. Due to our creation being stained by sin, bad things are prone to happen.
Describe a personal story where you have sinned, and how it badly affected those around you.
Up to interpretation but as long as it answers the question, it is correct.
Why does the Catholic Church exist?
To help bring souls to Heaven with God, instead of suffering in the depths of Hell.
What are some difficulties in being Catholic and resisting temptation?
With bad influences comes bad things being done, and you should resist doing them. With the Christian executions, you could die a martyr.
Despite the difficulties of sin or for example, getting murdered for your religion, is it possible to still get to Heaven?
Yes, because of the fact that if you do get murdered for your religion, you become a martyr and dying for God is a way to go to Heaven.
IF God exists, why do horrible things still occur?
Ex: The Holocaust, natural disasters.
Because God doesn't control us, he only influences people, encourages. For natural disasters, we live in a broken creation, corrupted by sin, allowing bad things to happen.
Imagine a world where Adam and Eve didn't eat the forbidden fruit. Would we be in the same situation?
No. Bad things wouldn't happen, people would be in harmony, people would be immortal, etc...