What are the colors and what do they stand for?
Colors: White and Gold. It means celebration.
What is Easter according to the seasons of the church?
It is the greatest season of the church.
What are the Colors of Triduum?
Red. It stands for the Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus.
Lent begins on what day?
Ash Wednesday.
Who were the three people who helped at Mass?
Grace, Meghan, Anastasia B.
The angel ______ was sent by God to Mary to tell her that she will have a child.
How long is Easter?
Easter is 50 days long?
How long is Triduum?
Three days long.
What does Lent mean?
Who were the readers at Mass?
Anton and Viviana.
Herod sent Three Kings to find Jesus. How did they get to him?
They followed the star in the sky that showed where Jesus was.
Easter celebrates the _______ of Jesus.
What happened on each day of Triduum?
Holy Thursday-
Good Friday-
Holy Saturday-
Give one example of what we should do during Lent.
Answers may vary. We should be giving up things and going to penance. No meat on Friday. Fish is allowed on Fridays.
What were the colors of the priests garments?
White and Gold.
Who was the child of Elizabeth and Zechariah?
John the Baptist.
What are the colors of Easter?
White and Gold.
What are the days of Triduum?
Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday.
What is the color for Lent and what does it mean?
Purple (Violet). Means preparing.
What did the three helpers carry as they walked?
The cross and two candles.
Why did Herod order all newborn boys to be killed?
He wanted to find Jesus, the newborn King.
What does Easter end?
What does Eucharist mean?
How long is Lent?
6 weeks. 40 days without the Sundays.
What was the Homily about?
Three Kings Day that was last Sunday; Christmas ends this Sunday; etc. (answers may vary)