What does Ash Wednesday begin and what's the purpose of having it begin blank?
Ash Wednesday begins lent and its a day to transition us from ordinary time to lent.
What is a way we can increase our prayer?
Attending church more or dedicating for time to prayer.
Who was it given to us by?
How many gifts of the Holy Spirit are there>
What is a virtue and what are 2 types of them?
A virtue is a good habit that helps us act accordingly to God and there's theologicial and cardinal ones
What is the color of Ash Wednesday?
What is one reason we don't eat meat except from it being Good Friday?
Meat was a luxury.
Fish is Allowed because it was common.
( ages +14 follow this)
When did the Holy Spirit come down on the Apostles?
What is a sentence to remember the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
We Understand Confirmation Finally Keep Pushing Forward.
What are Sacramentals?
Signs that help us be open to and receive the sacraments.
What are the ashes used on Ash Wednesday made from?
The palm branches from previous year's palm Sunday.
What are two things the 40 days of lent symbolizes?
Jesus's time in the desert
lsraelites wandering in the desert
What color is Confirmation?
What are 3 gifts of the Holy Spirit we receive?
Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, Fear of the Lord.
What are 3 facts from Pope Francis?
What are the Ashes a sign of?
The 40 days are filled with 3 things...
Fasting, prayer, and repentance
What promises does it complete?
Baptismal promises.
What does Modesty Mean?
"the quality or state of being unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities."
What are 4 facts on Elizabeth Ann Seton?
What does the Bishop say to us when we get the ashes on our head?
"Remember you are from dust, and to dust you shall return."
What are two things Lent is a time of?
( with definition the best you can)
Almsgiving, Repentance, Fasting & sacrifice, and prayer & charity.
Why is it connected to Baptism?
It is seen as the second step of our initiation.
5 Different Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(Find it in notebook)
What are 2 Our Lady of Sorrows?