The Angel .... told Mary she will have Jesus
Who is Archangel Gabriel?
The Nativity
What is Jesus was born?
The Apostle ...... is known as ..... the rock
Who is Simon the Rock
March 25'th celebrates (Holy Day of Obligation)
What is the Annunciation?
Adam and Eve took the forbidden fruit from the tree (place)
Where is the Garden of Eden?
The Virgin Mary's parents
Who is Anne and Joachim?
On Jesus' first miracle he turned water into wine. This was at.. (Place)
Where is The Wedding of Cana?
Judas betrayed Jesus for ____ pieces of silver
What is 30 pieces of silver?
November 1'st celebrates...
What is All Saint's Day?
Cain and Abel's Parents...
A) Samson and Delilah
B) Abraham and Sarah
C) Adam and Eve
D) Isaac and Rebekah
Who is C) Adam and Eve?
Immaculate Conception
What is Mary is conceived without sin?
_____ helped Jesus carry the cross
Who is Simon of Cerene?
The Apostle Peter's original name
Who is Simon?
The Immaculate Conception is on...
When is December 8?
Saint Nicholas feast day
A) September 8
B) December 6
C) October 12
D) December 25
When is December 6?
The Solemnity of Mary (Date)
A) October 6
B) January 1
C) September 8
D) August 15
When is B) January 1'st?
Jesus was arrested in.. (place)
Where is the Garden of Gathseneme?
The Apostle ..... was beaten and then crucified
A) John
B) Judas
C) Bartholomew
D) Simon
Who is C) Bartholomew?
............. is celebrated 40 days after Easter
When is Ascension Thursday?
Zachariah's son and the miracle he performed
A) Simon of Serene
B) John the Baptist
C) Luke
D) Abel
Who is John the Baptist?
The month ........ is dedicated to Mary
When is May?
.............. and her friend found Jesus' tomb empty
Who is Mary Magdalene?
Judas' last name
What is Iscariot?
On Pentecost ...........
(What Happened)
What is the Lord came down to the 12 Apostles in the form of a flame?
Saint Margaret of Cortona's boyfriend
A) Arsenio
B) Isaiah
D) Jacob
Who is A) Arsenio?