True or False: Elijah told King Ahab that God had no power and that Baal was the one true God.
True or False: God sent Elijah to warn the people of Israel not to worship idols.
How old was Josiah when he became king?
8 years old
True or False: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego fell to the ground and worshiped the golden statue as soon as certain music was played.
False (they refused)
True or False: Nehemiah was a spoonbearer for a powerful king.
False (cupbearer)
What two things never ran out so that the woman could keep making bread?
Fill in the blank: Naaman, a powerful army general, went to see Elisha so that he could be cured of ________.
What book was lost when the temple was ruined?
Book of the Law
True or False: Daniel and three of his friends were chosen to serve in King Nebuchadnezzar's palace in Babylon because they were the weakest, least confident, and worst looking of all.
False (they were the strongest, most confident, and best looking of all)
Fill in the blank: Even though they had sinned, God ________ the people.
Fill in the blank: Elijah drank water from a ________ named Cherith.
For how many days and nights did Elijah wander in the wilderness after running from the evil rulers?
True or False: Josiah's mother and the priest Hilkiah taught him about God's Word and being faithful.
Fill in the blank: The fire was so hot that the heat killed the ________.
Nehemiah was sad that the walls and gates of what city had been broken down?
True or False: God raised the woman's daughter from the dead after Elijah prayed three times, "Please let this child live."
False (it was the woman's son)
Where did Elisha tell Naaman to go and wash himself so that he would be cured of leprosy?
Jordan River
Who found the Book of the Law during the temple repairs?
The high priest (Hilkiah)
What did Daniel and his friends eat and drink in the palace as a test for ten days?
vegetables and water
What did Nehemiah do when he was sad?
Prayed to God
How did God take care of Elijah when he was hiding from King Ahab?
God sent ravens to bring bread and meat to him.
Fill in the blank: After the wind, earthquake, and fire, Elijah heard the ________ of God.
What did Josiah do when he realized that the people had sinned against God?
He tore his clothes
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and an angel
Why did God send Nehemiah home to Jerusalem?
So he could help rebuild the walls of Jerusalem