This season focuses on preparing for the Resurrection of Jesus. The liturgical color for this season is violet; it lasts approximately 40 days.
What is the matter of the sacrament of baptism?
Triple immersion or sprinkling of water
What is infallibility?
A protection from teaching error in matters of faith and morals
What is a diocese?
A particular community of the faithful over which a bishop has authority
What feast day is on December 8?
Solemnity of Immaculate Conception
This season focuses on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The liturgical color of this season is green.
Ordinary Time
What is the form for the Eucharist?
"This is my Body... This is the chalice of my Blood..."
What is impeccability?
What is a cardinal?
A title of honor bestowed by the Pope; the main function of the cardinals is to elect a Pope
What solemnity is 40 days after Easter Sunday?
What is the Ascension?
This season reflects on the early life of Jesus. The color of this season is white.
What are the effects of the baptism?
Removes Original Sin and bestows the life of grace; makes us children of God and part of the Mystical Body of Christ; permanent spiritual mark
What is the magisterium?
The teaching office of the Church
What is the Curia?
Consists of the many administrative and judicial offices by which the Pope directs the Church
What feast day is August 15?
Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary
Pentecost is the final day of the Easter season. On this day, we wear this color. This color is also worn on Good Friday and whenever we remember the martyrs.
What is the form for the sacrament of Confirmation?
"N., be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit."
What does ex cathedra mean?
When the Pope speaks “from the chair” to bind the whole Church in matters of faith and morals.
What is a monsignor?
A title given by the Pope to certain priests
What feast day is November 1?
All Saints Day
We wear rose on two Sundays each year. Name one of them.
Gaudete Sunday / Laetare Sunday
Who is the ordinary minister of the sacrament of Confirmation?
Bishop/ Archbishop
What is an ecumenical council?
A gathering of bishops from around the world under the authority of the Pope to define the Church teaching
What is the Congregation for the Oriental Churches?
Deals with issues affecting the Eastern Catholic churches
What feast day is January 1?
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God