Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5

First five books of the bible in order

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteromony


Define Sin

Sin is something someone does that displeases God, such as getting drunk, smoking, killing others


What are the 8 beatitudes? Know what each one means and give a real life example on how you can live out the Beatitudes.

1. Blessed are the Poor in Spirit - for their is the kingdom of heaven.

2. Blessed are they who mourn - for they shall be comforted.

3. Blessed are the meek - for they shall possess the land

4. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness - for they shall have their fill

5. Blessed the merciful - for they shall obtain mercy

6. Blessed are the clean of heart - for they shall see God

 7. Blessed are the peacemaker - for they shall be call the children of God.

8. Blessed are they who persecuted for the sake of righteousness - for there is the kingdom of heaven. 


What is the Fifth Commandment? What are some ways people go against this?

The fifth commandment says that you shall not kill, this means that you shall not kill other or yourself. People go against this without being aware of this by eating junk it goes by the fifth commandment because you are slowly bringing yourself to an early death.

Another way people go by this is by killing others by stabbing/shooting, or killing yourself by committing suicide. 


What is prayer?

Prayer is giving our Attention and not only talking but communicating with God through a Sprit. It is like a child's conversation with their father.


Who was the Bible written by

Many people guided by God’s spirit


He is the son of Abraham, and Abraham was willing to sacrifice him??

He sacrificed Isaac.


What does the Fifth Commandment teach us?

The Fifth commandment teaches us to faster the physical, spiritual, emotional, and social well being of others.


What are the 5 different kinds of prayer? Explain the differences of each.

2 and 3

Petition - A formal written request

Intercession - the action of intervening on behalf of another

Thanksgiving - to respond to Gods goodness and grace with gratitude

Praise - to glorify especially by the attribution of perfections

Blessing - Gods favor & Protection


Do you read the Bible literally or contextually? Please provide a definition and an example for both

I read the Bible contextually because not everything in the Bible can be taken seriously. Because if I read the Bible literally it’s 


Know the 2 creations story’s Genesis 1 & 2

The Priestly story concerned with the creation of the entire cosmos while the second (the Yahwist story) focuses on man as moral agent and cultivator of his environment.


What are the 7 Chrisitan Virtues and include their definitons.









What are 8 Multiple Intelligences? What are their characteristics?

Word smart - 

Number smart - 

People smart -

Body smart -

Self smart -

Sound and Rythm smart -

Picture smart -


What is another word for emotions, which is often found in Christian writings?

Another word for emotions often found in Christian writings is affections.


What are the 2 major parts that the Bible’s divided into?

The Bible is divided into the Old Testament (1st part) and the New Testament (2nd part)


Define Covenant

Covenant is a promise/agreement that 2 or more people make or God makes to his people


What does Beatitude mean?

The Beatitudes are saying attributed to Jesus.


What is another word for emotions?

Another word for emotions is affections/passions.


What are the kinds of truth found in the Bible?

Proverbial Truth = "The early bird catches the worm"

Religious Truth = God tries to communicate with people through their life.

Moral Truth="Thou shall not kill"

Symbolic Truth = "If your eyes cause you to sin pluck it out"

Historical Truth = Jesus was born in Bethlehem and lived his young live in Nazareth

Scientific Truth = 2 + 2 = 4


What does the term inerrancy mean when we are talking about the Bible

Inerrancy in the Bible means that not everything in the Bible is completely accurate.


What is Environmental Stewardship and provide an example.

Environmental Stewardship is the responsible use and protection of the natural environment. Example - use paper straws instead of plastic.


What does Virtue/Vice mean?

A Vice is a bad or undesirable character trait. The opposite of a Vice is a virtue, which is a good or desirable character trait.


What is incarnation?

Incarnation is God becoming flesh in the form of Jesus Christ in man form, the son of God.
