Which of the three Abrahamic religions was first?
How many gods are estimated to be in Hinduism
More than 330 million
True or False: New Age belief can be summed up in "All truth is relative, there is no absolute truth, and we all must find the god within ourselves."
We believe in 3 branches of mainline Christianity, Protestantism is one of them, name the other two.
Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox
What is the difference between monotheism and polytheism
mono=one god
poly=many gods
What is a Messianic Jew
A Jew who believes that Jesus was the Messiah.
What do you need to do in Buddhism in order to go to Nirvana (what is the goal of Buddhism)
Free yourself of all desires
Which cult was started first, Jehovah's Witness (Church of latter day saints) or Mormons
Which branch of Christianity considers Church leadership to be as authoritative as Scripture
Which Religion has the most adherents in the world?
which of these is not one of the five pillars of Islam
-alms for the poor
-journey to jerusalem
-proclaiming Mohommed as Allah's prophet
Journey to Jerusalem
This Japanese religion believes in multiple gods and spirits, even a god of hair cutting, has very rich symbolism and cultural significance and is practiced by nearly 85% of all Japanese people, but only about 3% actually believe in it.
Jehovah's Witness (LDS)
Why do Catholics believe we need to go to purgatory
to purify ourselves more before entering the presence of God
Which religion has the second most adherents in the world?
Christians have the bible as their holy book
Muslims have the Quran
What do Jews call their holy book
The Torah
Which of these eastern religions is not really a religion but a social practice/way of life
Which one of these is not a Mormon belief
Joseph Smith was given silver tablets with everything on them
Jesus came to the Americas after His accension
Good Mormons become gods of their own world
Jesus and Satan are spirit brothers
Joseph Smith was given silver tablets
What is the highest source of authority in the protestant church
What is pantheism
the belief that God is in everything
Muslims view the Quran the same way the Christians view "blank"
In hinudism, why is it wrong to help someone below you in the cast system?
because that would be preventing cosmic justice or Karma
What is the best practice to defend against cults and being deceived by the false things they teach
To know the bible and what it teaches yourself
What is apostolic succession?
The belief that Jesus made Peter the first leader of the Church, after Himself, and that all leadership continues from this line
Which branch of mainline Christianity considers tradition to be as authoritative as scripture and leadership