When did Christianity begin?
1st Century AD
When do Christians worship?
Every Sunday
is Judaism monotheistic or polytheistic
Amount of god(s)/deities worshiped in Judaism
Is Islam monotheistic or polytheistic
Name of the founder of the Islamic follower
Muhammad the prohpet
What is the main practice in Buddhism
This continent has the most Buddhists
Where did Hinduism originate?
The Indus River Valley
Is Hinduism polytheistic or monotheistic?
What is marriage?
A commitment between man and woman
How many gods do Christians believe in?
One god
Jewish holy land is named Jerusalem
(True or false)
The Torah is also known as what in the Christian bible
The Old Testament
What are the followers of Islam called
True or False
Worship in Islam revolves around 5 pillars
True, it do
(true of false)
Buddhism is the belief that Buddha is the only God
false, there are no gods in Buddhism
The ultimate goal of Buddhism; The end of Samsara
How many followers does Hinduism have?
900 Million Followers
2300 B.C.-1500B.C.
Where is the place of worship?
The Church
Who are the first 5 books in the Bible written by?
Jewish people believe in resurrection
(True or False)
Anyone born to a Jewish mother is Jewish regardless of religious belief
(true or false)
What is the name of the god that Muslims worship?
Islam's sacred book
The Qur'an
Where was Buddhism founded?
the process of showing respect to the Buddhas by worship or offering gifts to temples, monks, or Buddha
Diwali is the festival of_______?
The festival of lights.
The holy books of Hinduism.
The Vedas
Going to Mass on Saturday before 6 PM does not count as going to Mass on Sunday
True or False
What is Baptism?
A symbolic way to join the church
The holy scripture in Judaism
What are people who practice Judaism called
Where did Islam originate?
(not country)
The Arabian Peninsula
The Qur'an is about
Several aspects of human purpose and human existence and describes ethics, legislation, and social organization
A person who has achieved enlightenment, the "enlightened one"
(True of false)
Monks have achieved enlightenment
false, monks only indicate a higher level on the path to enlightenment
What is Puja?
Puja is the ritual worship of a deity.
What is Arthi also known as?
The greeting ceremony.
How long does Advent last?
4 weeks
There are various ways to worship God
True or False
Main food that Jewish people cant eat
Jewish people pray 5 times a day every day
(true or false)
True or False
There are 42 countries around the world that have an Islamic majority
False, there are over 50 countries in the world with an Islamic majority
What is the Testimony of Faith
The affirmation that there is no other thing worthy of worship other than God
The first Buddha
Suddhartha Gautama
people typically have these in their houses to pay respects to Buddha
Which god is also known as the "destroyer"?
Who is the god of creation?
Each parish is lead by who
A bishop
What is the Trinity made of?
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirt
The Torah is written mainly in what type of language
Synagogue services are often lead by a
When was Islam founded
A. 5th century
B. 4,000 years ago
C. 7th Century
At the start of the 7th century
What is Salah
Pillar of worship that requires Muslim people to pray at least five times a day
Buddha achieved enlightenment while meditating under a...
What is the collection of Buddhist scriptures compiled by the Fourth Council in Sri Lanka around 25 B.C.E.
Triptaka/Pali Canon
What is swastika the symbol of?
Prosperity and Good Fortune
What is Holi?
The festival of the upcoming of spring.
What were the names of the stories Jesus told?
What is Lent?
The 40 day period when Jesus fasted and prayed
What is a Rabbi
Someone who is qualified to act as a spiritual leader/teacher to a Jewish community
Sabbath is a tradition practiced in Judaism of festive meals and refraining from labor on Mondays
(true or false)
Season of fasting for Muslims
What is Zakah
Required charity from Muslims (Pillar of worship)
The three Pitakas (baskets) of the Triptaka
Vinaya Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka, Abhidhamma pitaka
The Triptaka was written in this language
Who are the trinity of gods that protect the universe?
Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu
What is the Padma the symbol of?
The Lotus
What books does the bible consist of?
Old and New Testament
Christianity is not prosecuted in many countries
True or False
What is celebrated during Hanukkah
The rededication of the second temple
New years is known as
Rosh Hashanah
What is the Hajj
Pilgrimage to Mecca that every Muslim has to journey to at least once in their life.
True of False
The Qur'an consists of 114 suras
The most important Buddhist holiday that celebrates the birth, enlightenment, and death of Buddha on the full moon day of March.
Buddhists often perform this practice to escape from life's dangers such as greed, anger, and delusion. This involves visiting important places in the Buddha's life.
What is the sacred animal for Hindus?
The Cow
How many Vedas are there?
Where did Christianity originate?
A Christian is killed for their faith every 6 minutes, somewhere in the world
True or False
where are most Jewish people located
Where did God give the Ten Commandments to Moses
Mount Sinai
What is the Eid Al-Fitr
Celebration after Ramadan that includes several celebratory meals
Name one book mentioned in the Torah
Around 200 CE, This stream of Buddhism emerged in India and translates to "The Great Vehicle". Also known as the first type of Buddhism in the United States.
buddhist monks
What is the Hindu belief that your actions will come back and haunt you.
What is the very sacred Hindu river in India
The Ganges River.
Christian beliefs date back thousands of years before Christ
True or False
How many Christians are there in the world?
Between 2.2 and 2.5 billion
Jewish coming of age ritual
Bar/Bat mitzvah
Why is circumcision practiced in Judaism
to signify the covenant between God and the Jewish people
What is the Day of Judgement
Day where all human beings will be assessed to determine whether they will go to heaven or hell.
True or False
Islam is the third largest religion
This strand of Buddhism is most prominent in Tibet and is an esoteric form of Mahayana Buddhism with an accelerated path to enlightenment.
the four foundational propositions of Buddhist doctrine enunciated by the Buddha in his first sermon.
The four noble truths
In Hinduism one most obey his or her?
What is the ultimate goal of ending samsara and entering in Brahman?
What are all Christians born with?
Original Sin
The New Testament was written by four men who knew Jesus. Who are they?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
What place do Jewish people face towards during prayer
Temple mount
What do Jewish people do during Yom Kippur
ask God for forgiveness of their sins
What is the belief of Predestination
The belief that Allah has knowledge of everything that will happen, but without interfering with human free will
Pork and alcohol are forbidden by what in the Islamic religion
The Haram
The leader of Tibetan Buddhism
Dalai Lama
The final Noble Truth and the path from Samsara to Nirvana
Eightfold Path
In Hinduism there is a holy within us that is reincarnated. What is this holy?
What is Hinduism's holiest city?
This man is seen as the greatest prophet in the Hebrew and Holy Bible. He helped lead the Israelites to freedom in Mount Sinai, where he is given the Law from God himself.
Why do Christians believe that Jesus is the messiah?
He rose from the dead after he was crucified
What are the 3 kinds of Judaism
Reform, conservative and orthodox
Why is Temple Mount important to Judaism
Is the site of two ancient Jewish temples that where both destroyed
What is the most sacred site in the world for all Muslims
The Kabba
Which country has the largest Muslim population
Mauryan king that promoted Buddhism and a major factor to the spread of Buddhism
The laity improve their soteriological condition by giving the monks...
material gifts that serve as sacrificial offerings
What are the names of the four Vedas?
Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, and the Atharva Veda
What is Prasad?
Prasad is the offerings and eating of holy food.
Name the first Roman Christian emperor
What are the 7 sacraments?
Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the sick, Marriage, and Holy orders
Holiest site in Judaism
Temple Mount
What is the most important teaching of Judaism
There is only one god
Place of worship (local)
The two major distinct forms of Islam
Shia and Sunni
oldest form of Buddhism
The Three Jewels/The Three Refuges that explain and describe the underlying universal law so that individuals may live in harmony with it
Buddha, Dharma, Samgha
What is the famous dynasty spread Hinduism and built many temples.
The Gupta Dynasty.
True or False
Dussehra is the festival where people bathe in the Ganges River.
How many saints are there?
More than 10,000
What type of education did Jesus receive?
when did Judaism begin
1812 BC/Bronze age
Estimated Jewish population in the world
(hint- question points times 104)
True or False
Muhammad the Prophet had a religious awakening after meeting Allah in a cave
False, Muhammad met the angel Gabriel not Allah
What does Jihad mean
Jihad means to struggle or to strive
often translated wrong in media as "holy war"
How many Buddhas are there?
Where was Siddhartha Gautama born?
Lumbini Grove
What is the name of a Hindu temple?
A Mandir
What are the four types of yoga in Hinduism?
Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Gyana Yoga
How many Christian based churches are there?
Over 33,000
When was Jesus born?
4 BC
The three sections of the Jewish bible
The Torah, Nevi'im, and Ketuvim
Who erected the Western Wall
Herod the Great
What is the Eid Al-Adha
Event that lasts four days during the Hajj
What does Islam mean
Islam means surrender or submission
How long ago did Buddhism start
2500 Years ago
Where was Siddhartha Gautama's first sermon?
What is the biggest Hindu temple in the world?
Ankgor Wat
How old is the Mahabharata?
5150 years old