Your teacher asks you to close your chromebook. You don't want to. What is the right choice?
Follow directions
You drop a piece of paper on the floor. Big problem or small problem? How do you fix it?
Small problem! Just pick it up!
Sticking their nose in someone's business. To find out information about someone's personal or private information. Not minding their own business.
Is staring at someone rude?
Yes, it makes people uncomfortable!
If I am feeling nervous, I should start yelling or screaming because that will make me feel better. Yes or no?
A classmate isn't listening to the teacher's directions. What should you do?
You drop your entire lunch on the floor. Big problem or small problem?
Small problem - clean it up and find something else to eat.
Someone in your house is on the phone. You try to listen to what they are saying. Is that being nosy or helpful?
Is it rude to be in someone else's business?
Fill in the blank. All feelings are ___________.
Two classmates are having a disagreement at recess. Should you go break it up? Yes or No ?
You fall off your bike and break your arm. Big problem or small problem? How do you fix it?
Big problem! You need to ask for help and you have to go to the hospital.
Someone is crying. You ask them "is there anything I can do to help you?" Is that being nosy or helpful?
Your friend Shaun is late to work. You go and tell your boss and say "Shaun was late!" Are you minding your own business? Is this appropriate or inappropriate?
Not minding your own business, very inappropriate
What is something we can always do to make ourselves feel better?
Take a deep breath!
A classmate tells you what to do in class. What should you do?
Ignore them.
You're playing a game with your friend and you lose. Big problem or small problem?
Small problem! When we play games, sometimes we win and sometimes we lose.
Someone gets up and goes to the bathroom. You shout out "hey, what are you going to do in there?" Is that nosy or helpful?
You are eating lunch at a restaurant and someone burps at the table next to you. You look at the person who burped and say "You need to say excuse me!" Are you minding your own business?
No! You need to only worry about you, not everyone else
When should I use my coping skills book?
When I want to feel better! If I need to calm myself down or relax. If I want to get back to the green zone!
The teacher is teaching and you think of something funny you want to tell your friend. What should you do?
Wait until she is done.
No! That's a big reaction for a small problem.
Megan had her purse sitting next to her. Her friend Jane decided to start looking through it because she wanted to know what Megan had inside of it. Is that nosy or helpful?
I keep telling my friend to "focus" during class. Am I minding my own business?
What does coping mean?
Coping means to try and handle or manage my own emotions