Created the table of elements...?
Russian Dimitri Mendeleev
Created the dialectic method...?
Zeno of Elea
Created the theorem of Pitagoras?
Wrote the sing of singins in the bible...
The King Salomon
Who created the rock and roll music category?
Chuck Berry, and Rosseta Tharp..
Created the nobel prize?
Alfred Nobel
Who wrote the Apology of Socrates?...
Who formulated the law of gravity...?
Sir Isaac Newton..
Who is considered the first poet of the classic period...?
Who wrote the ninth simphony?
Ludwig van Beetoven
Who discovered the particles of the nucleus of an atom..?
James Chadwick
Was the master of Plato?
Who created the binomial theorem?
Sur Isaac Newton
Who was the first Black poet woman?
Phillis Weatley
Who was the biggest Blues compositor?
William Christopher Handy