Name 5 Colors!
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink, Brown, White, Black, Grey, Teal, Indigo
What are a few common feelings a person may feel after a brain injury?
Anxiety, Sadness, Anger, Depression, Confusion, Loneliness, etc.
Who speaks 2 different languages and went to West Chester University? (Her name is in the beginning of our acronym)
What would you do if you accidentally bumped into someone?
Say "I'm Sorry!"
The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
Name 5 sports!
soccer, football, baseball, basketball, tennis, track & field, swimming, golf, lacrosse, volleyball, hockey, chess
A practice that helps focus your mind and calm your body to be relaxed and present in the moment. What am I?
Who went to Penn State and likes to play the guitar? (Her name is at the end of our acronym)
Someone constantly interrupts you during conversations. What do you do?
Say: please stop, you're being rude, please let me speak, etc...
What goes up but never comes down?
Your Age
Name 5 things you can find in your bedroom!
bed, nightstand, lamp, pillow, sheets, blanket, closet, rug, window, book, clothes
Physical Fatigue
Who went to Temple University, has a lot of siblings and has blonde hair?
A friend invites you to an event, but you're really tired and want to stay in. What do you do/say?
Be honest, say you don't want to, tell them you are tired.
What can’t be used until it’s broken?
An egg
Name 5 Holidays
Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, NYE, Easter, Valentine's Day, St. Patricks Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day
What time of attention is it when you are focusing on 2 or more things at a time
Ex. In a conversation with a friend and someone calls your name from across the room.
Divided attention
Who also went to Temple, has 2 brothers, and LOVES the Philadelphia Eagles?
You woke up really late and forgot to eat breakfast. What do you do?
Grab a snack, drink water, plan your next meal, make something quick, etc...
Name 5 States
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, California, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Massachusetts, Florida, Texas,
Name 3 ways to manage your energy
Rest, drink water, take breaks, minimize stress, listen to your body
Who is the adult Clinical Educator for this semesters group?
You accidentally spill coffee on your friend's favorite book.What do you do?
Say I'm sorry, help them clean up, ask them if there is anything you can do to help, etc...
I sometimes run but never walk. What am I?