New thought
Scientific Thinkers

One reason why Italy became the birthplace of the Renaissance was that

a. there more more universities in Italy than in any other country.

b. feudalism was not as firmly established in Italy as in other countries.

c. Italy was united under a single powerful monarch.

d. Roman artistic traditions had never died out in Italy. 

b. feudalism was not as firmly established in Italy as in other countries.


What was the main goal of the Jesuits during the Counter-Reformation? 

To Reform the Catholic Church


Why the Renaissance began in Italy?

Major trade routes went through Italy.


Feudalism grew weaker when 

a. national monarchies lost power

b. the Protestant Reformation began

c. the power of the Church increased.

d. trade and industry grew.

d. trade and industry grew.


The theory of gravity helps explain the movement of the planets, was developed by which scientist? 

Isaac Newton


In what ways did Leonardo da Vinci's paintings reflect the new concerns and technques of Renaissance art? Choose two of the following:

a. focus on religious themes

b. use of bright colours

c. use of linear perspective 

d. realistic depcition of human firgures

c. use of linear perspective 

d. realistic depcition of human firgures


A quote from the Martin Luther's 95 Theses:

"It is certain that when the penny jingles into the money-box, gain and avarice [greed] can be increased, but the result of the intercession [prayer on behalf of another person] of the Church is in the power of God alone."

Which important features of Luther's teachings are expressed in this thesis? Choose two of the following:

a. The Catholic Church is the true representative of God on Earth.

b. The sale of indulgences leads to corruption.

c. God alone can grant salvation to sinners.

d. Charity and good works can lead to salvation.

e. It is necessary to break away from the Catholic Church. 

b. The sale of indulgences leads to corruption.

c. God alone can grant salvation to sinners.


Of the statements below about salvation which one represents a belief of John Calvin but not of Martin Luther?

a. Following the seven sacraments can lead to salvation.

b. A person can achieve salvation by performing good works.

c. Salvation is determined by faith alone. 

d. God predetermines who will be saved.

d. God predetermines who will be saved.


How did growing secularism influence European writers during the Renaissance?

They wrote more books about non-religious subjects. 


The astronomer Copernicus challenged traditional beliefs by suggesting that

the Earth moves around the sun.


Look at the information below:

Effects of the Renaissance on Daily Life

Advancement: Gutenberg invents moveable type.   --->    Effect:         ?

Advancement: Broadsheets become the first newspapers  ---->   Effect: People learn about many diverse subjects. 

Which effect replaces the question mark from the information above? 

Literacy increases among ordinary people. 


One of the Catholic Church's goals in holding the Council of Trent was to

stop the spread of Protestant ideas.


Look at the timeline.

1517 ----> ?

1521 ----> ?

1534 ---> ?

1536 ---> ?

What event belongs in place of the second question mark on the timeline?

a. Tyndale is burned at the stake.

b. Luther's Translation of the Bible into German is published.

c. The Diet of Worms convenes.

d. Luther posts the 95 Theses. 

c. The Diet of Worms convenes.


Describe best a typical Renaissance painting.

People and backgrounds are painted in a way that mimics real life.


Francis Bacon's contribution to the development of the scientific method was

using specific facts to make general rules.


Albrecht Durer was a German Artist that was called ____________ and used ____________ in his artwork and is an example of __________ ________ _______ that was influenced by the Renaissance. 

"Leonardo of the North"; engraving; Northern European Art


How did the Peace of Augsburg change Germany? 

It turned Germany into a group of states that followed different religions.


What idea that emerged as a result of the Protestant Reformation is also reflected in modern democratic governments? 



Look at the information below on Religious Beliefs:

Catholicism                   Lutheranism, Calvinism

       ?                                        ?

       ?                                        ?

Choose two of the following that complete the information above:

a. First column: The Bible and tradition are sources of truth. People read and interpret the Bible for themselves.

b. First column: The bible and traditions are sources of truth. Priests interpret the Bible for people.

c. Second column: The Bible and tradition are sources of truth. People read and interpret the Bible for themselves. 

d. Second Column: The Bible alone is the source of truth. People read and interpret the Bible for themselves.

b. First column: The bible and traditions are sources of truth. Priests interpret the Bible for people.

d. Second Column: The Bible alone is the source of truth. People read and interpret the Bible for themselves.


Why is William Tyndale an important figure in Reformation history? 

a. His writings on the "City of God" influenced John Calvin.

b. His translation allowed people to read the Bible in English.

c. He first developed the concept of predestination.

d. He encouraged Martin Luther to post the 95 theses. 

b. His translation allowed people to read the Bible in English.


What technique did Renaissance architects use to design structures that were balanced and pleasing? 

Renaissance architects used proportion, which was based on the principles of classical mathematics. They relied on simple geometric forms and borrowed elements from classic Greek and Roman architecture.


Explain how the Peace of Augsburg, the Edict of Nantes, and the Peace of Westphalia all strengthened secular rulers.

The Peace of Augsburg, the Edict of Nantes, and the Peace of Westphalia all ended religious conflict between Catholics and Protestants. Each ensured that people could practice their own religion privately rather than follow the religion of the king or Holy Roman emperor. This reduced the power of the pope in state affairs and strengthened the idea of religious tolerance among secular rulers.


Identify two specific ways the Catholic Church tried to stop the spread of Protestantism.

Many Protestants were questioned and killed during the Spanish Inquisition. The Catholic Church also banned several books explaining Protestant ideas, including publications by Martin Luther and John Calvin.


What inspired Renaissance thinkers to become interested in humanism? 

An increased interest in classical Greek and Roman thought and learning inspired the evolution of humanism in Renaissance Europe.


Describe the contributions of Greek, Jewish, Muslim, and Renaissance scholars to the Scientific Revolution.

The ancient Greeks were the first people known to look beyond religious explanations for natural phenomena and support the use of reason to discover physical rules of nature. Muslim and Jewish scholars translated Greek writings, helping preserve them after the collapse of the Roman empire. They also produced new ideas in fields such as mathematics. Renaissance scholars rediscovered Greek ideas and once again supported the use of reason to challenge accepted beliefs in search of new knowledge.
