Renaissance Ideas
Name that Humanist
Renaissance Innovators
Renaissance Riddles
New Monarchs

"Renaissance" means rebirth of this. 

What is humanism or classicism and society? 


He died as a faithful servant to the king, but was ultimately more loyal to God.

Who is Thomas More?


Raphael's painting with this title, depicts ancient Greek and Roman scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers. While the painting is in the Vatican's signature room, it is an ode to humanism and classicism unlike any other. The two central figures are a key to the title. 

What is the School of Athens? 


 Machiavelli + Mr. Rainey

Who is the Prince-ipal?


The Court of Star Chamber was used by this monarch to control the judicial system.

Who is Henry VII


After experiencing exile due to the Italian Wars, this writer sat down and wrote a book on political theory.

Who is Niccolo Machiavelli? 


This quintessential "Renaissance Man" was a painter, sculptor, scientist, architect, military engineer, inventor and philosopher. He's famous for the Mona Lisa and the helicopter. 

Who is Leonardo da Vinci? 


He said this: "It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both."

Who is Machiavelli? 


If the printing press was invented in this city, we might call it _________ And The Machine

What is Florence? 


This term was used to refer to Jewish individuals in Spain who changed their religion to Catholic.

Who are Conversos or New Christians?


The Catholic Church and these people were the major patrons of the Renaissance. 

Who are noble elites and ruling families like the Medici family? 


"There exists [the idea] of the perfect Courtier." He wrote this text to create a guide for Renaissance nobles and instruct the nobility on proper decorum.

Who is Baldassare Castiglione?

Donatello and Michelangelo both sculpted him.

Who is David?


The Pope and Catholic Church preferred this to venmo. 

What is PaPal?


Catherine of Aragon famously had these two men as her father and father in law.

Who are Ferdinand and Henry VII?


The new focus on classical literature and ancient texts, along with secularism, individualism, and artistic trends like symmetry are all part of this Renaissance ideology. People like Petrarch promoted this. 

What is humanism? 


He focused on the value of studying history to learn more about individuals and society?

Who is Bruni?


This area of the Renaissance was the first to use oil paint.

What is the Northern Renaissance?


What is white and red and smells good?

What is the symbol for the Tudor dynasty?


This monarch created the first permanent royal army in Europe?

Who is Charles VII?


This one invention challenged the institutional powers of universities and the Catholic Church. It helped education shift from theology to a focus on classical texts and also led to more widespread literacy and scientific inquiry. It also helped promote the Protestant Reformation. 

What is the Printing Press? 


His painting, The Birth of Venus, depicts the goddess Venus arriving at the shore after her birth, when she had emerged from the sea fully grown. This exemplifies the Renaissance fascination with Ancient Greek culture. The painting is in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.

Who is Sandro Botticelli? 


Some historians say that this event led by the Church allowed for the spread of classical culture from the East to Europe.

What are the Crusades? 


H5, H6, E4, R3, H7

What are the first letters and numbers of the Monarchs during the War of the Roses?


This agreement allowed the French King to have more sway over the national church and allow the Pope to increase his wealth.

What is the Concordat of Bologna?
