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Probably the most famous sculpture created by Michelangelo, considered to be a symbol of the Renaissance period.

What is The David?


A movement started by Marthin Luther's criticism of what he considered the corrupt practices of the Catholic Church.

What is Protestantism / The Reformation?


In Mainz, Germany, around 1450.

Where and when was the printing press invented?


The first European to describe his travels through the Silk Road in a book.

Who was Marco Polo?


I wrote plays, many for Queen Elizabeth. Today, students in high school still learn about my plays and poems in their English class.

Who is Shakespeare?


Michelangelo painted the ceiling of this building.

Who painted the Sistine Chapel?


The establishment of this trade network led to a huge increase in the world population, the extinction of many animals and plants, and the enslavement of millions of Africans.

What were the effects of the Columbian Exchange?


A practice that began during the 14th century in Venice, in an effort to protect coastal cities from plague epidemics, and which required ships to sit at anchor for 40 days before being allowed to land at the port.

What is quarantine?


I described in poetry the way Christians imagined the universe towards the end of the Middle Ages.

Who was Dante Alighieri?


I was a real Renaissance man with plenty of talents - I was a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician, and a writer.

Who was Leonardo Da Vinci?


Members of this family were patrons of some of the most important artists and scientists of the Renaissance.

Who are The Medici?


A period from the early 15th century that continued into the early 17th century, during which European ships traveled around the world to search for new trading routes and partners.

What is the Age of Discovery?


A Renaissance invention that makes faraway objects look bigger, brighter and closer by gathering light and focusing it to a single point with the help of curved mirrors, lenses or both.

What is a telescope?


A German monk and theologian who devoted his life to God after surviving a terrible thunderstorm and who became famous for criticizing the practices of the Roman Catholic church in his 95 theses.

Who was Martin Luther?



I was upset that divided up Italy was getting picked on by neighboring countries so I wrote a book on how to get into power and how to keep it.

Who was Machiavelli?


Showing depth in paintings by making objects in front larger and objects in the back smaller.

What is perspective?


It means "rebirth" in French.

What does Renaissance mean?


A popular Medieval fortification that was made obsolete by an invention that uses gunpowder to propel a projectile with a lot of force.

What is a castle?


The first European who circumnavigated the globe.

Who was Ferdinand Magellan?


Because of me, people could finally own their own bibles! I created metal plates that could copy books much cheaper than doing it by hand.

Who is  Johannes Gutenberg?


A philosophical movement that started during the Renaissance, and which was inspired by Greek and Roman writings. It focused on the study of worldly subjects such as math, sciences, and arts.

What is humanism?


A religious organization set up by the Catholic church that tortured people, censored books and tried to stop people from spreading new ideas about religion.

What is the Inquisition?


A small sailing ship developed by the Portuguese in the 15th century and used by explorers and traders. It is highly maneuverable, fast, and able to sail against the wind.

What is the caravel?


I am considered the father of astronomy.

Who was Galileo Galilei?


I was the person who came up with the heliocentric system.

Who was Nicholas Copernicus?
