This is what Renaissance means
This is Federigo's prized possession.
A falcon
Don Quixote is an example of this type of satire
Voltaire viewed himself as an enemy of this
Renaissance was marked by a return to this
Greek and Roman philosophy
Shifts in thought in Petrarch's sonnets are marked by shifts in this.
Volta or rhyme scheme
This is the story's intended moral
Good character is its own reward
This is the type of story that Cervantes is mocking
Courtly romance or knight-errant
Voltaire wrote mainly while he spent time where?
This is where the Renaissance was born
Ronsard's "To Helene" is a call for his reader to do this.
Carpe Diem or seize the day
The climax of the short story is a great example of this type of irony.
This is what Quixote mistakes for giants
Pangloss and his teaching is meant to mock this.
Traditional education
Renaissance era Humanism placed value on this
Logic and reason
Petrarch pictures the woman he loves as this
A white doe
This is why Monna desires to have Federigo's prized possession.
To make her son well
Quixote makes his helmet visor out of this
Candide is not permitted to be with Cunegonde for this reason.
This is the belief that science and logic are the source of truth.
A Petrarchan poem is split into an eight line unit called this and a six line unit called this
An octet and sestet
This is how Boccaccio's short story is really a story within a story
Nobles in hiding from the plague taking turns telling stories each night.
This is Quixote's unwitting squire
Sancho Panza
This is the main societal criticism of Chapter 2
Senseless brutality and violence of war