What Vatican Council reviewed all activities of the Roman Catholic Church?
What is The Council of Trent
What is The Recorder
Renaissance music has a fuller sound than Medieval music, and features more diverse _________
What is Styles or Genres
It is the music for the entire Catholic worship service
What is The Mass
Martin Luther's problems with Catholic doctrine eventually led to this historic religious rebellion
What is the Protestant Reformation
He produced the first printed music in the Western world
Who is Ottaviano Petrucci
How Renaissance instruments are grouped together
What is by Consorts
The use of a change of harmony or melody to express a word or emotion in the text of a song
What is Word Painting
A religious song that is not used in the Catholic worship service
What is Motet
The Papacy relocating to Rome made this Italian city the center of musical interest
What is Venice
Besides music printing, this Italian "invention" forever changed how music was performed
Renaissance stringed instrument that is the ancestor to the modern guitar
What is The Lute
Type of language more commonly used in Renaissance music than ever before
What is The Vernacular
True or False: Motets derive their texts solely from the Bible
What is False
Most Renaissance instrumental music was written for this social activity
What is Dancing
Andrea and Giovanni Gabrieli were not father and son, but related in this way
What is Uncle and Nephew
A Renaissance instrument that could play low bass notes, named after the form the Devil took in Genesis
What is the Serpent
The "voices" which are treated melodically by Renaissance composers
What is All Voices
Venetian cathedral where the Gabrieli's created polyphonic choral and instrumental music
What is St. Mark's
The language used in a Motet
What is Latin
The choir lofts in St. Mark's cathedral have one of these instruments in each one
What is an Organ
How consorts of instruments are defined
What is by Loud and Soft
Rhythmic elements in Renaissance music are based on this compositional practice
What is Imitation
These Madrigals tend to be more serious in nature
What are Italian Madrigals
The system of servitude employment by the church and aristocrats that enabled arts and culture to thrive
What is Patronage