Who wrote The Canterbury Tales?
Geoffrey Chaucer
What was the title of the ruler of the Ottoman Empire?
Who were the Huguenots?
French Protestants
What was a florin?
A gold coin
Who painted Mona Lisa and The Last Supper?
Leonardo da Vinci
What was the name of Niccolo Machiavelli's 1513 book? (not William and not Harry, but their titles)
The Prince
The Philippines is the ONLY Asian country where the majority of people are this (European) religion?
How many theses did Martin Luther nail to the church door inn Wittenberg? (like the highway, ME to FL)
What does the word Renaissance mean?
Who painted The School of Athens and lots of Madonnas (to show Mary, the mother of Jesus)
According to Francesco Petrarch, how many enemies inhabit with us (like avarice, anger, plus three more)
Five (5)
What country was created in 1922 from what had been the Ottoman Empire?
What ended the fighting between Catholics and Protestants in 1555? Peace of _________
What did Johannes Gutenberg invent that increased reading and literacy?
printing press
What did Leonardo da Vinci do to learn about human anatomy?
dissected corpses
William Shakespeare wrote 14-line poems. What were they called?
How many wives did Henry VIII have?
six (6)
Indulgences were (purchased/paid for) _______ for someone's sins.
What is vernacular?
language of the common people (what they spoke and read; not Latin)
Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome and carved David?
Dante Alighieri wrote about a journey from Hell to Heaven named The ______ Comedy.
What is the title of a military warlord in feudal Japan?
The Edict of Nantes made what religion the official religion of France (but Protestants could worship, too)
What event took place in Europe between 1618-1648?
Thirty Years War
German artist Albrecht Durer was famous for making ______ that were used for book illustrations (think about stamping for scrapbooks)