What did Martin Luther teach?
Name 2 problems within the church
Priest not educated, drinking a lot, gambling, selling indulgences, focused on material (secular things).
Define playwright
A person who makes plays
These types of plays told the stories of rulers of the PAST.
Shakespeare's History plays
Define the 95 Theses
A list of problems of the church written by Luther
Why did King Henry want to annul his marriage?
He wanted a son, he was fearful of a war if he did not have one.
A time period in which great change took place within the church
Name 2 of the 4 types of plays Shakespeare wrote
History, Comedies, Tragedies, and Romances
What supernatural creature can be found in many of Shakespeare's plays?
Define Indulgence
A pardon prayer which washed away sins
What did Luther do after he wrote the 95 Theses?
Posted it on the door of a church
What were the names of Luther's follower's?
A poem which has 14 lines is known as a .....
What's the easiest way to tell if a poem is a sonnet?
Count the number of lines
What did Pope Leo X do to Luther?
Excommunicated him from the church
Kicked him out of the church
Why did Queen Elizabeth create the Anglican church?
She wanted to help end religious conflict.
Bring Protestants and Catholics together.
A person who you compete against in the same field or area (Piedmont)
At a Shakespeare play, which seats were similar to the bleacher seats at a baseball game? (Cheap seats)
The groudling seats
To arouse curiosity or interest (From Shakespeare Vocab. Brainpop)
What did the "Edict of Worms" declare Luther?
What could people not do for Luther after the trial?
Luther was an outlaw and none could feed or house him after the trial.
What did King Henry do to get out of his marriage?
How did he become head of the church?
He had parliament change the laws and they created the Church of England.
King Henry wanted to annul his marriage, define annul.
Who's permission did he need to do this?
He wanted to cancel or end his marriage.
He needed the Pope's permission.
Type of clumsy comedy.
These types of plays were considered Shakespeare's best work. They were very dark and always ended in death.
Define serfdom
Serfdom is a form of slavery.