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Hepatitis Fun

What type of Acid-Base imbalance is produced by vomiting?

Metabolic Alkalosis


What kind of diarrhea does Dumping Syndrome cause?


Water is being pulled into the gut - Causes hypotension


- Twisted bowel

Volvulus or Intussusception? 


Intussusception is where the bowel telescopes into itself. 


What is a concerning complication of GERD? and WHY is it concerning:) 

Barrett Esophagus! 

Tissue lining the esophagus is replaced by tissue similar to the lining of the small intestine.

Increases risk of developing esophageal cancer


In which phase of hepatitis is the disease highly transmissible? 

Prodromal Phase


What Acid-Base imbalance is caused by diarrhea?

Metabolic Acidosis 


What are common S/S of a hiatal hernia?

GERD-like symptoms: dysphagia, heartburn, vomiting 


- Oliguria

- Tea-colored Urine (Hematuria and Proteinuria) 

- Can be autoimmune

Glomerulonephritis or Nephrotic Syndrome? 


Remember: there are NO RBCs in the urine with Nephrotic Syndrome 


Grey-Turner Syndrome vs. Cullen Sign. Describe and connect them to a disease process. 

Acute Pancreatitis (Hemorrhagic)

Grey-Turner: Ecchymosis/discoloration of flank area

Cullen: Periumbilical ecchymosis 


Which type of Hepatitis will kill you?

D! Can progress to liver failure- necrosis of liver tissue, & death. 

Think: D = Death


Discuss the difference between the maintenance/oliguria phase and the recovery/polyuric phase of acute renal failure. 

oliguric: weeks-months, urine output is low, BUN and Creatinine increased, fluid retention

polyuric: glomerular function returns, diuresis is common, loss of sodium, potassium, and water -> watch for F&E imbalances. 

- prone to dehydration here since they're losing so much fluid


A patient comes into the ER with suprapubic pain, back pain, and reported urinary urgency and frequency, with pain during urination. Urine cultures come back negative. 

Which diagnosis does this patient have?

Interstitial Cystitis.

UTI not caused by bacteria. Could be result of viral, fungal, or chlamydial infection. 

Cultures are negative, but they still have all the S/S of a UTI. 


- Caused by head injury 

Curling or Cushing Ulcer?


Curling ulcers are caused by burns. Think: "Curling iron, Cushing Head" 


When dead bowel perforates, it causes...


Dead bowel is fragile, it will perforate and cause peritonitis. 

S/S of peritonitis = Rigid, board-like abdomen, fever, chills, tachycardia. 


Tell me the symptoms you will see during the Icteric phase of Hepatitis

Jaundice, dark urine, & pale (clay-colored) stools


What is your end Acid-Base imbalance in renal failure?

Metabolic Acidosis 


Let's talk Liver complications. List complications of Liver Dysfunction. 

Cirrhosis: Scarring of the liver 

Portal HTN: Abnormally high BP in the portal venous system caused by resistance to portal blood flow

Esophageal Varices: Distened, frail, tortuous vessels, will rupture very easily. 

Hepatic encephalopathy: Loss of brain function when a damaged liver fails to remove toxins from the blood. Ammonia builds, causing severe confusion. 


- Continuous lesions, recurring cramping pain, frequent diarrhea with blood and mucus. 

Crohn's or UC?


While UC is specific to the Sigmoid colon, Crohn's can involve the entire GI tract. "Skip lesions" 


Difference between renal insufficiency, renal failure, and ESRD/F in terms of GFR.

Insufficiency: GFR = 25-30 or 25% of normal functioning

Failure: Less than 25% function

ESRD: Less than 10%


What are the time frames for the phases of Hepatitis?

Prodromal: exposure-up to 2 weeks

Icteric: 1-2 weeks after prodromal; lasts 2-6 weeks

Recovery: 6-8 weeks after exposure; lasts 2-12 weeks


Stages of Chronic Renal Failure: Symptoms, labs. 

Reduced Renal Reserve: high/normal BUN and Creatinine, absence of symptoms

Renal Insufficiency: Headaches, nocturia, polyuria, weakness and fatigue, GFR 25% of normal, inc. BUN & Creat, mild anemia because the kidneys are damaged and cannot produce eryrthopoeitin anymore.

End Stage: Yellow discoloration, pruritic, uremic frost (kidneys cannot filter out the urea, so it comes out in your sweat on the skin as crystals), GFR <10%, anemia, hypertension, GI bleeding, many more. 


List causes of Prerenal, Intrarenal, and Postrenal ACUTE renal failure?

Pre: hypotension, shock, impaired blood flow, hemorrhage, inadequate cardiac output (Anything that impairs perfusion of the kidneys) 

Intra: trauma to kidney, burns, glomerulonephritis, DIC, drugs

Post: BPH, bladder outlet obstruction, urethral obstruction from stones, edema, tumors, or clots. 


- Pain 2-3 hours after eating

- Most common type of peptic ulcer

Duodenal or Gastric ulcer?


With Gastric, there is pain with eating that is relieved 2-3 hours afterwards. 

Define Azotemia

Increased BUN and Creatinine.

Present in ESRD


What types of Hepatitis have vaccines and what types are curable?

Curable: A, C, and E

Vaccines: A & B
