Serum Lab Values
Urine Lab Values
Teaching Needs
Nursing Care

Normal BUN.

What is 8-20 mg/dL?


Measures the concentration of urine.

What is urine specific gravity?


Important care after a patient has had a test with contrast dye.

What is flushing the kidneys with increased fluid intake or holding Metformin.


Restricted with failing kidneys but increased when patient starts dialysis.

What is protein?


Most accurate assessment of fluid balance for a patient.

What is daily weight?


What is 0.6-1.5 mg/dL?

What is serum creatinine normal level?


Lab value of urine specific gravity.

What is 1.002-1.035?


Important care to give to the patient who is post op from having a urinary diversion surgery.

What is reg. post op care, adequate urinary output to detect obstructions, care of skin around stoma to avoid breakdown, teach pt how to care for the stoma and daily care, be sensitive to the patients anxiety and altered body image?

Patient with kidney disease has a nursing diagnosis of Imbalanced Nutrition.  Dietary plan of care involves....

What is low protein, calorie count, frequent small meals, and offer dietary supplements?

What exercise is appropriate to teach a patient with urinary stress incontinence.

What are Kegel exercises?


Normal sodium level.

What is 135-145 mEq/L?


Last void of a 24 hour urine test.

What is voiding at the end of 24 hours and adding it to the urine collection container?


3 things to teach a patient prone to kidney stones to do to avoid recurrence of kidney stones.

What is?  Consulting with dietitian to determine any foods to avoid (depending on type of stone), encourage fluids to prevent dehydration, encourage walking, Urocit K (K citrate) to prevent crystals from forming.


Critical to maintain to avoid catabolism of tissue for energy in the patient with renal disease.

What is maintaining calorie intake (simple carbs, fats)?


Normal hourly urinary minimal output.

What is 30 cc?


Normal serum albumin.

What is 3.5-5.0 g/dL?


3 things not normally present in urine sample.

What is glucose, ketones, bilirubin, nitrite, leukocyte esterase, bacteria?

0 or only a few:  casts, WBC's, RBC's.


Name 4 things to instruct a patient on to avoid urinary tract infections.

What is:

Drink up to 3000 ml/ day (if not contraindicated), empty bladder frequently, showers vs. baths, wipe front to back, avoid tight clothing, avoid colored or synthetic underwear, females urinate after intercourse?


A patient with kidney disease has a high potassium.  Name 5 foods to teach the patient to avoid.

What are?

Beans, chocolate, dairy products, dried fruit, avocados, bananas, kiwi, mango, melons (cantelope/honeydew), nectarines, oranges, papaya, pumpkin, tomato paste, some juices (OJ, carrot, prune, tomato, vegetable), nuts, beets potatoes, spinach, squash, seeds, salt substitutes.


The way the nurse would check an arteriovascular fistula for patency.

What is palpate for a thrill, auscultate for a bruit?


Normal bicarbonate.

What is 22-28 mEq/L?


Persistent proteinuria is usually seen with this disease.

What is glomerulonephritis?


Teach the family of an elderly patient the 3 types of urinary incontinence. 

What is stress incontinence?

What is urge incontinence?

What is functional incontinence?


Renagel (sevelamer HCL) is used to control the levels of ________  in the blood of adult kidney failure patients on haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis treatment.

What is phosphate?


5 teaching needs to a patient hospitalized with a urinary tract infection.

What is antibiotic therapy, antispasmodic agents, encourage fluids, apply heat suprapubically, encourage frequent voiding, offer cranberry juice,teach pt to finish antibiotics, avoid colas, coffee, tea, and alcohol, teach to empty bladder as soon as urge is felt, avoid bubble baths and scented TP, wear cotton underwear?
