Number of bones that make up the adult skeletal system.
What is 206?
Anterior Drawer, Posterior Drawer, Varus Stress, Valgus Stress
What are the major ligamentous tests for the knee?
Bonus: what ligaments are tested in each?
What is *** degrees of hip flexion? (participant demonstrates measurement)
This is the greatest place to work as a PT in Seattle!
This upper extremity nerve has roots stemming from C5-T1.
What is the median nerve?
Painful arc test, drop-arm test, and infraspinatus muscle strength test
What is the cluster of tests for a full-thickness rotator cuff tear?
This is what 120 degrees of shoulder abduction looks like.
What is: (participant demonstrates measuring this on a volunteer)
Hillman/Columbia City, Beacon Hill, Renton
What are the 3 Renew PT locations?
These muscles make up what is commonly known as the "deep core."
What are: pelvic floor muscles, transverse abdominus, multifidi, diaphragm (optional obliques)?
A positive result of this would indicate a lumbar instability (name 3).
What is: Prone Instability Test, Prone Passive Extension Test, H and I Tests, Anterior/Posterior Shear test, Prone Provocation Test, PA Pressure
This is the "normal range" of an average person's knee extension and flexion capacity.
What is 0 to 140 degrees?
Vestibular and Balance Program, Pelvic Health Program, SHIFT Bridge Program, Bike Fitting, Crash Care, Work Conditioning
What are some of the specialties and programs found at Renew?
These "deep 6" control femoral head stability and lateral rotation in the acetabulum.
What are the deep hip rotators (piriformis, gemellus superior, obturator internus, gemellus inferior, obturator externus, quadratus femoris)?
Names of tests used to screen for ankle ligament damage.
Bonus : name the ligament AND the test
What is the Anterior Drawer Test (ATFL), Talar Tilt Test (CFL), Posterior Drawer Test or Talar Tilt Test Modified (PTFL)
Will also accept: Eversion Talar Tilt Test/Deltoid ligament stress test
This is the amount of ankle DF typically needed to descend stairs.
What is 15-25 degrees past neutral?
These are the three main ways to apply to work at Renew PT.
What is: submit resume on the website, find job listing on LinkedIn or Indeed, or submit contact information directly by scanning QR code?
This is the posterior oblique sling.
What is the latissimus dorsi and contralateral gluteus maximus?
These three factors would help a PT to know whether or not to proceed with an evaluation for a patient with neck pain who was recently involved in an MVA.
What are the Canadian c-spine rules?
1. High risk factors: age >65, dangerous MOI, paresthesias in extremitis
2. Low risk factors: simple rear end, sitting in ER, walking, delayed onset of neck pain, absence of midline cervical tenderness
3. Able to rotate neck >45 deg in each direction?
This is the depth of a squat (knee flexion angle) where the maximum stresses are placed on the ACL
What is 15-30 degrees knee flexion?
What is unlimited?