In football a touchdown is worth how many points?
What is the name of the tallest mountain in the world?
Mount Everest
Who is the singer of the popular song "You Belong with me" that released in 2009?
Taylor Swift
Which fast food chain has the famous slogan "Eat Fresh"?
Which animal did Makaul have a close encounter with?
How long is a marathon?
What is the capital city of Egypt?
What movie in 2019 topped Avatar as the highest grossing film of all time?
Avengers: Endgame
A "screwdriver" drink consists of what?
Orange Juice and Vodka
What is Divya's son's name?
Who was the youngest player to score 10,000 in the NBA?
LeBron James
What is the official currency of India?
Indian Rupee
Which movie kicked off the Skywalker Saga in 1977?
A new hope
What word is used in India for "tea"?
Where was Jean born?
South Africa
What do you call it when a bowler makes three strikes in a row?
Angel Falls
Which bollywood actor has the highest net worth and is referred to as the "King of Romance"?
Shahrukh Khan
Percentage wise, how much of a twinkie is air?
What item does Karen collect every time she travel?
Refrigerator Magnets
How many dimples does the average golf ball have?
What is the name of the only sea that doesnt have a coastline?
Sargasso Sea
Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries were married for how many days?
What is the only vitamin not found in an egg?
Vitamin C
What is Kam's next bucket list travel destination?