Class Time

What is the proper heading for my classwork/homework?

First and Last Name

Block # Date


What will I need for class?

Everyday, make sure you have your all day folder, a pencil, weekly planner, and silent reading book. 


What should I do if I need to go to the bathroom?

Give Ms. Rentz the thumbs up sign and wait to be acknowledge.  Then sign out and use the bathroom lanyard. 


What do I do before going to lunch?

Put your supplies in your locker, grab anything you need, and use the bathroom. 


What should I do if I'm late to school or class?

Late to school: check in with the front office.  Late to class: You will need a pass from the teacher you are coming from. Otherwise, you will be marked tardy.


Where should I put my completed classwork/homework?

Completed homework goes in the correct bin on the blue cart. 


What should I do when I first walk into class?

Make sure you have your all day folder, pencil, materials, etc.  Check the agenda slide for the Start-Up Activity


What should I do if I need water?

Bring a water bottle and have it filled up before coming to class.  


What should I do when I walk into the lunch room?

Walk to find a place to sit and wait to be told to get your food. 


Is gum allowed in class?

Gum is allowed.  BUT- it is a privilege, not right. You abuse it- you lose it. 


What happens if I don't do my classwork/homework?

You will receive a 0/missing on the assignment. 


What should I do with my backpack?

If you don't need to carry your backpack around all day- put it in your locker.  If you take it with you, hang it to the back of your chair.


What should I do if I need to go to the nurse?

Let Ms. Rentz know that you need to see the nurse, sign out, get the lanyard, and go.  If it is an emergency, just go!


How can I show I'm part of Team Baxter while in the lunch room?

Be mindful of your volume.  Don't be trashy.  Invite someone over to sit with you. 


Will we ever do movement breaks?

Yes! I try to do some sort of movement break at about the halfway point of each class. 


What do I do if I want to improve a grade I received?

To improve a grade, schedule a Squire Time with the teacher to help you. 

What are the end-of-class procedures?

When there is 2 minutes left of class, you will need to clean up you area and gather your things.  There is no hanging out by the door or out in the hallway.


What should I do if there's an announcement over the intercom?

Stop what you are doing, silence yourself, and listen. 


Can I use my chromebook during lunch?

No. Leave your chromebook in your locker or chromebook cart before heading to lunch.


What should I do if I'm having an off day?

Tell your teacher!  We are here to help!

What do I do if I finished my work completely and there is still time left?

You will have a set list to things you will be able to do: silent reading, drawing/sketching/geography skills/etc. 


What happens if I forgot something that I need for class in my locker?

Check to see if it is something that is already in the class.  If not, wait until there is a good time to ask Ms. Rentz to get it.


When should I sharpen my pencil?

Before class starts or during work time.  Never sharpen your pencil when Ms. Rentz is talking- that's rude. 


Can I bring food and drinks out of the Cafe with me?

No, all food and drinks need to be consumed while in the Cafe?


What do I do if there is a fire drill?

We will line up SILENTLY and follow Ms. Rentz out the field doors and line up away from the building.
