Fill in the Blank
Imperfect vs. Pret.
Multiple choice
What are the prederite endings for the AR verbs?
yo- é tu- aste el/ella/ud.- ó nosotros- amos vosotros- asteis ellos/ellas/uds.- aron
Yo _____ a la casa de Joelle para repaso de espanol manana. (hint- manana is the key word) a. ir b. voy c. viste d. iré e. irabamos
d. iré Manana means tomorrow, as in the future. iré means I will go. Rules for future tense is to add ending to infinitive.
What are the only three irregulars in the imperfect?
Ser, ir, and ver.
Yo _____ a la playa anoche nadar.... desnudo. a. iba b. fué c. fue d. fui e. fuí
d. fui Anoche, means last night. It happened once. It's preterite. No accents on irregular preterites. NONE.
Preterite/Ud./to give a. da b. diste c. daba d. dio e. dió
d. dio It's prederite, but it's an irregular, so no accents.
What are the endings for the future tense?
-é -ás -á -emos -éis -án ADDED ONTO INFINITIVE!
De pequena, ella _______ atrevido y no llevaba pantalones. a. fue b. era c. esta d. ser e. estuvo
b. era It's the only imperfect, AND you use ser when describing personality or things that are permanent. ex. Where are you from? Soy de Rogers- I am from Rogers
How do you say "I played" in the preterite?
yo jugué ANY VERB ENDING WITH -GAR or -CAR Such as jugar or sacar, has a -gué ending in the yo form!
De vez en cuando, __________ a la cárcel. a. iba b. era c. fue d. soy e. ir
a. iba De vez en cuando means once in awhile, which may have happened more than once. This is imperfect. Iba = I went
DAILY TRIPLE! Nosotros/future/to leave a. saldremos b. salimos c. salaímos d. saliremos e. salirímos
a. saldremos Future tense ending for nosotros is emos, but salir changes to saldr.
What are the irregular preterite endings? Ex. for words such as tener, andar, and estar
yo- e tu- iste el/ella/ud- o nosotros- imos vosotros- isteis ellos/ellas/uds- ieron
Yo _______ ir a la panadería ayer. a. puedo b. pudio c. podré d. pudría e. podio
b. pudio I was _____ to go to the beach yesterday. Yesterday is past tense, and yesterday was a specific time, so it's pretertie. Poder (to be able) is a stem changer in the pret. and has the root pud
DAILY DOUBLE! Write the stem changes for these verbs in the preterite. Ex. tener > tuv a. decir b. estar c. poner d. poder e. querer f. saber
a. dij b. estuv c. pus d. pud e. quis f. sup
David nunca __________ el cuenta para cominda con su novia. a. pagó b. pagaba c. pagaré d. pagando e. pagé
b. pagaba Imperfect of "He paid" because it's never.
Imperfect/ellos/to see a. veian b. vean c. veo d. veaban e. veían
E. veían Ver is one of the three imperfect verbs and takes on the ending of IR imperfects, but keeps the e.
What are the imperfect endings for ER/IR verbs?
-ía -ías -ía -íamos -íais -ían
Ud. tiene que ________ a la escuela para mirar la equipo de baile. a. vas b. va c. iba d. ir e. fue
d. ir Tener que + infinitive. You have to go to the school in order to speak at the graduation.
What are the irregular roots of these future tense verbs? ex. Tener > tendr a. poder b. querer c. saber d. poner e. hacer
Podr querr sabr pondr har
______ lloviendo para dos meses pero nosotros tuvemos paraguas. a. era b. está c. fue d. estaba e. es
d. estaba lloviendo means raining. weather is always imperfect and estar is used for conditions, location, and weather.
Estaba duermiendo en la clase de Puppe a. el/imperfect progressive/to be boring b. yo/preterite/to be boring c. el/past progressive/to be sleeping d. yo/present progressive/to be sleeping e. el/imperfect progressive/to be sleeping
e. imperfect progressive We were (used to be) sleeping. anything with -ando or -iendo is progressive. Present and imperfect are the two types and estaba is estar in the imperfect tense.
What are the endings to ser/ir in the preterite?
yo- fui tu- fuiste el/ella/ud- fue nos- fuimos vos- fuisteis ellas/ellos/uds- fueron
_______ las 3:00 a.m cuando ella ________ a la sala de emergencia ayer. a. son/llegó b. son/llegaba c. eran/llegaba d. eran/llegó e. fue/llegaba
D. eran/llegó It WAS 3:00 when she ARRIVED yesterday. imperfect is time, but preterite is used when it's at a certain time.
List the forms of dar in the prederite. and... go.
DAR yo- di tu- diste el/ella/ud- dio nosotros- dimos vosotros- disteis ellos/ellas/uds- dieron
_______ ir a la playa cada fin de semana. a. quiero b. quería c. querré d. quiso e. nadar con un pez
b. quería Quería is in imperfect. Wants, thoughts, anything done in the head, uses imperfect. You don't just think it once, it continues.
Ella ______ que hacía buen tiempo el Sabado. a. decirá b. dijo c. dijó d. dicío e. decío
b. dijo Decir means to say, and since there are no present tense choices, she must have said it in the past. She was describing the weather, which is imperfect, BUT she said it was nice weather, once. Decir > dij > dijo