What is the meaning of " CERCA (de)"
close (to, near
What is the meaning of "ayudar"
To help
What is the meaning of " limpio/limpio"
What is the meaning of "arreglar El cuarto"
limpiar la sala
Estoy limpiando la sala
What is the meaning of " El bano"
to cook
What is the meaning of " sucio"
What is the meaning of " cortar el cesped"
to cut the lawn
pasar la aspiradora/you
tu estas pasando la aspiradora
What is the meaning of El cuarto
What is the meaning of " hacer la cama"
to make the bed
What is the meaning of " bastante"
enough; rather
What is the meaning of " pasar la aspiradora"
to vacum
preparar la comida/nosotros
nosotros estamos preparando la comida
What is the meaning of " la planta Baja"
ground floor
What is the meaning of " ponder la Mesa"
to set the table
What is the meaning of " El dinero"
What is the meaning of " los quehaceres"
to feed the dog/he
el estás dando de comer al perro
What is the meaning of " El sotano"
What is the meaning of " sacar la basura"
to take out the trash
What is the meaning of " Que estas haciendo"
What are you doing?
What is the meaning of " dar de comer al perro"
to feed the dog
doing the chores/I
yo estoy haciendo los quehaceres