The denominator in this fraction 5/8 is the number five.
Without using a calculator, 3/4 = ?
What is 0.75?
What is the number of this classroom?
What is 225?
______ is a decimal that has a digit or blocks of digits that repeat over and over without ever ending.
What is a Repeating Decimal?
Is it true that a decimal can be both repeating and terminating?
No, it can only be one or the other.
Is 5/10 the same as 1/2.
After using a calculator to divide 12 by 25 and the answer is 0.48. Tony is convinced that this is a terminating decimal. Do you think Tony is right?
Miami Heat won 33 games out of 66. What is their winning percentage?
What is 50%?
______ is a decimal number that has digits that do not go on forever.
What is a Terminating Decimal?
How can students improve their math skills?
Continue to practice, do homework, study, etc.
A repeating decimal will have a remainder of zero.
5/12 = ?
0.416 (with bar notation over the 6 only)
What is 7+3-6+4
What is 8?
_______ is a number usually expressed in the form a/b.
What is a Fraction?
1/11 as a decimal
What is 0.09 with bar notation over both the zero and the nine
is 2.02222567157265 a repeating decimal?
What is false?
1/3 as a decimal.
What is 0.3 with bar notation.
what is 3/4 as a percent
{...-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3...}
What is the set of integers?
2/3 as a decimal
0.6 repeating
0.12122122212222 is a repeating decimal
What is false? (although there is a pattern, it doesn't repeat)
What is zero?
what is 45% as a fraction?
-4, 0, 1/2, 0.23 are example of ________ numbers
What is rational?
what key do you use to have a green calculator function?