What is the size difference between male and female blue whales?
Female blue whales are generally larger than male blue whales.
What is the largest land animal on Earth?
Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth.
What are some alternative names for soto?
Soto is also known as sroto, tauto, or coto.
What is Sate Padang, and where is it from?
Sate Padang is a specialty satay from Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia, made from beef cubes with a spicy sauce on top.
Are blue whales in the Southern Hemisphere typically larger than those in the Northern Hemisphere?
Yes, blue whales in the Southern Hemisphere are generally larger than those in the Northern Hemisphere.
What are some distinctive features of elephants?
Elephants are known for their long trunks, large, floppy ears, and wide, thick legs, making them unique in appearance.
What is soto, and what are its main ingredients?
Soto is a traditional Indonesian soup primarily made of broth, meat, and vegetables.
What other types of meat are used in Sate Padang besides beef?
They are chicken and lamb.
How long can blue whales grow?
Blue whales commonly reach a length of 29 meters, which is about as long as three London red double-decker buses parked end to end.
How many species of elephants are recognized by most experts?
Most experts recognize two species of elephant: the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and the African elephant (Loxodonta africana).
How is soto different from other soups in Indonesia?
Soto refers to traditional Indonesian soups, while foreign and Western influenced soups are called "sop" in Indonesia.
What is the main characteristic of Sate Padang?
The main characteristic of Sate Padang is its thick yellow sauce made from rice flour, beef and offal broth, turmeric, ginger, garlic, coriander, galangal root, cumin, curry powder, and salt.
Why are blue whales now extremely rare?
Blue whales are now extremely rare due to uncontrolled commercial whaling. Some populations could be endangered to the point of extinction.
Where do African elephants live?
African elephants live in sub-Saharan Africa, the rainforests of Central and West Africa, and the Sahel desert in Mali.
Where can you typically find soto in Indonesia?
Soto is commonly found in warungs (small eateries), open-air street food stalls, fine dining restaurants, and luxurious hotels throughout Indonesia.
How is the beef prepared for Sate Padang?
Fresh beef is boiled twice in a large drum filled with water to make the meat soft and juicy. Then the meat is sliced, and spices are sprinkled on it.
What was the heaviest blue whale recorded, and where was it found?
The heaviest blue whale recorded was a female that weighed 190 tonnes, which is equivalent to about 30 elephants or 2,500 people. It was hunted in the Southern Ocean, Antarctica, on March 20, 1947.
How many subspecies of elephants are there, and is there agreement on the number of subspecies?
There are several subspecies of elephants, but experts disagree on how many subspecies there are and whether they should be considered separate species.
How did soto become part of Suriname's cuisine?
Soto was introduced to Suriname by Javanese migrants and has become part of the national cuisine, where it is spelled as saoto.
How do the three types of Sate Padang differ?
The three types are differentiated by the color of their sauce: Sate Padang has a blended flavor of the other two, Sate Padang Panjang has a yellow-colored sauce, and Sate Pariaman has a red-colored sauce. The different sauces result in different tastes.