He said that he liked football.
What was the direct sentence?
"I like football," he said.
He said that he hadn't gone to school.
What was the direct sentence?
"I didn't go to school," he said.
He asked if I had done my homework.
What was the direct Yes/No question?
"Did you do your homework?" he asked.
She asked how I cooked rice.
What was the original WH- question?
"How do you cook rice?" she asked.
Tom said that she was his best friend.
What was the direct statement?
"She is my best friend," Tom said.
She said that she had a new parfume.
What did she say?
"I have a new parfume," she said.
She said that she hadn't seen the movie.
What did she say?
"I haven't seen the movie," she said.
He asked if I was from Turkey.
What was the original Yes/No question?
"Are you from Turkey?" he asked.
They asked how long she had been waiting.
What was the direct question?
"How long have you been waiting?" they asked.
He asked if they had been to London before.
What was the direct Yes/No question?
"Have they been to London before?" he asked.
They said that they had a big house.
What did they say?
"We have a big house," they said.
He said that he didn't like coffee.
What was the direct sentence?
"I don't like coffee," he said.
He asked if she had ever been to Paris.
What was the original Yes/No question?
"Has she ever been to Paris?" he asked
She asked why he hadn’t told her the truth.
What was the original question?
"Why didn’t you tell me the truth?" she asked.
She said that she couldn't find her keys.
What was the direct negative sentence?
"I can't find my keys," she said.
She said that she could speak Spanish.
What was the direct statement?
"I can speak Spanish," she said.
They said that they couldn't swim.
What was the direct statement?
"We can't swim," they said
They asked if she could have solved the problem by herself.
What was the direct question?
"Could she have solved the problem by herself?" they asked.
He asked how I had fixed the computer.
What was the original WH- question?
"How did you fix the computer?" he asked.
He asked why they hadn't finished the report.
What was the original WH- question?
"Why haven’t you finished the report?" he asked.
They said that they had finished their project.
What did they say?
"We have finished our project," they said.
She said that she wasn't hungry.
What did she say?
"I am not hungry," she said.
He asked if they had been waiting for long.
What was the direct Yes/No question?
"Have they been waiting for long?" he asked.
They asked when she had arrived.
What was the direct question?
"When did she arrive?" they asked
He said that he had been working all day.
What was the direct sentence?
"I have been working all day," he said.